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Caroline & Park (2024) #2


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Fucking enjoyable watch!

Liked the teasing buildup (great for a self-confessed Ass Man, such as myself), rubbing through her panties, Orgasm 1 with her vibrator, grabbed her wand and used both as the same time to get herself off again 😁. Delicious moans throughout and even a bit of english thrown in!

Very nice Caroline, keep it up! 👍

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31 minutes ago, chogdad said:

Ich kann nur sagen: Hoffen wir, dass Sie recht haben!

So lange die Beziehung zu Park noch andauert wird Caroline-Frisky für uns immer eine lesbische Fata Morgana sein und bleiben !  Jedenfalls vor den Kameras. Was außerhalb unserer Sichtbarkeit passiert... ? Ich finde ja auch daß die Beziehung Caroline-Park ein Wenig leb-und lieblos erscheint aber ob da Frisky als Spaltpilz erscheinen will  und Caroline wirklich begehrt , ?  Und Caroline erscheint mir als sehr hin-und her- gerissen. Mal sehen in welche Richtung es geht.

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6 hours ago, Gerald Knauft said:

As long as the relationship with Park lasts, Caroline-Frisky will always be and remain a lesbian mirage for us! At least in front of the cameras. What happens outside of our visibility...? I also think that the Caroline-Park relationship seems a little lifeless and loveless, but does Frisky want to appear as a divisive person and really wants Caroline? And Caroline strikes me as very torn. Let's see which direction it goes.

I think they have a very good relationship but one that is a bit fragile in terms of fear from Park that Caroline is more free and adventurous, that he likes it being just him and her, but she likes to have fun and explore. I don't think for a moment Caroline is being sly to Park, just having some fun with a friend. I am sure Frisky has real feelings for her but yes, she doesn't want to cause any pain, though her passion is quite clear. But it is fascinating to watch and see the sexual tension coming from both of them.

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