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A question and request to every member here pls ,


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Hello all ,

at first i was asking the admin via pm first to get in no problems :-) .And he was saying that he has no probs with it at all ;-)

So i reel love this board and wanna join the 12 bucks vip membership.But i only have a full of money xD paypal account and an emty payza account :-(.It takes me 2 weeks to get money on payza and that ways to long for me ....And paypal not accept to sent money to payza.So im looking and asking for an guy that has both payza and paypal too pls.

I will sure go FIRST ! to sent you the 12 bucks INCLUDED any fees and tax , you have to tell me , to your paypal account.After this you can sent me the 12 bucks to my payza account.

So you dont have any risk.

Sry for my not perfect english and i hope you understood this and any help will income.


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