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Some interesting stuff from conversations last night.  While at B1 Medusa and Aziza decided to head out to a late-night venue to do some partying.  It appeared that they met a couple of Russian guys who Medusa invited back to B4.  Aziza said that she wasn't really interested so maybe that's why she went to bed. The little bits of conversation that I could hear and translate between the guys and Medusa were very much everyday chat, but I got the impression that the Russian guys had worked on the land and may be draft-dodgers.  Anyway, Medusa hinted that they might meet up again.

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1 hour ago, kylian13579 said:

I want to see Massimo and Sara together again

He's busy shagging woman in Ibiza where he now lives lol. Hopefully Karma will disappear with her molester and never come back once she leaves, can't wait. 

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9 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

Er ist damit beschäftigt, Frauen auf Ibiza zu vögeln, wo er jetzt lebt, lol. Hoffentlich verschwindet Karma mit ihrem Peiniger und kommt nie wieder zurück, wenn sie weg ist, ich kann es kaum erwarten. 

100 percent agreement.

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