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Brit Guy

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  1. Key word 'some' lol...I like those who speak up for what they believe is right rather than just settling for what people are used to which gets people nowhere. I do love this 'ignore' button though.
  2. My comment started a new page bro so I never saw your post lol...my bad. I often just post and not read the comments above as it's mostly nonsense from some of the others.
  3. Looks like Dayana's mum visiting...they look alike a bit.
  4. That means Linda will be doggie-sitting whilst the friends go on vacay somewhere.
  5. Her body is definitely something to admire as I like women who are built for comfort, but her belly just looks bigger than Nelly's so I'm thinking maybe she is pregnant but I'm not sure how she could be to be honest. Her breasts are wasted on her sadly.
  6. Is Linda pregnant...her belly is bigger than Nelly's? Can anyone confirm?
  7. She always looks wonderful...what are you talking about.
  8. I agree 1000%...admins/mods can deal with any unwarranted comments about ANYONE on here...so be good and behave yourself.
  9. It's difficult for everyone when the 2 stalkers take over and nobody can get a wor4d in edgeways. Children are happy humans, adults mostly are not...evidently.
  10. Linda looking sexy today as always, not too happy looking because I know she struggles with certain things but hey Linda happy Friday and enjoy the weekend off cam again doing some money earning where it matters...photography appointments with the hubster.
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