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Everything posted by acerikrion

  1. Calang, all is well with them, have sex before sleeping!
  2. She is sleeping now and with this blue panties, she also burned on the arm with the machine to make bread!
  3. Acer! For real! Lmao! Wtf is washing her pussy with a saucepan? That shit is funny, lol ;D Yes, forgo the shower and washes her pussy with water in a pan!
  4. I know I'll get probably shouted at for making this request, but I don't suppose you have video evidence of this that you are willing to post up...... I did not put the video, but you will see that it is in blue panties,
  5. IN A NUTSHELL Nastya burned on the arm! Kiko bath in the shower and wash Nastya pussy with small saucepan! The pantie is now blue!
  6. She is sleeping naked, and probably should take a bath today! So the pants finally walked....... ..sleeping naked, damn, that is a sight I cannot see sadly.....no membership.... But she always under the covers, there is not much to see, just when she get out of bed to see her nakedness for a few seconds, it is very quick to wear!
  7. NL, the maximum capacity of mediafire for free version is 200MB!
  8. She is sleeping naked, and probably should take a bath today!
  9. In that order? 1 You will prepare a delicious dinner for the woman who is with you. 2 During dinner, we talked about the cultures. 3 And after dinner, go have sex in bed. Note: It never fails!
  10. Apparently, Acer has taken this thread a bit too seriously, lmao ;D Culinary, Culture and sex is my interest - LOL
  11. I would like to know the recipe of broth that Nastya and Kiko take often looks yummy!
  12. The Calang Nastya when she left yesterday afternoon led suspenssório and when she came back after midnight showed pictures on the laptop for Kiko, this may mean that she is taking pictures! (Attachment Purged)
  13. It is with the same pink panties all saw last night, but I've noticed that Nastya is getting more careful with your hygiene!
  14. The Calang, Nastya took a bath yesterday before leaving, 15,55PM
  15. Do not be nervous, wait Kiko recover from the flu there you will see them fucking like rabbits! Dude, I'm not nervous where you getting those ideas from? I'm just stating the fact, it's nothing to be nervous about. I understand / LOL
  16. Do not be nervous, wait Kiko recover from the flu there you will see them fucking like rabbits!
  17. you like old naked, wait, I'll wait for the mother of Lina bathing-LOL
  18. She is sleeping somewhere else, is that hard to figure out? ??? Do not be nervous, it's just a question!
  19. Artur sleeping alone in the bedroom, where is Elena?
  20. Who is the visitor, is the mother of Lina? and where is Mark?
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