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Posts posted by acerikrion

  1. I wish we could hear them. It was weird how they all gathered around the computer, and looked surprised or at least intrigued.

    My initial impression:

    Artur - didn't seem too bothered.

    Elena - surprised, shocked, unhappy.  But I think she might come around.

    Mighty Mouse - I think someone she knows told her and that bothers her more than anything.

    Her guy - not sure about him, but he is very quiet.

    I don't know...they must know that everything in that house is on the Internet.  Heck, Mighty Mouse acted like she was performing for the cam in the bath last night.  Maybe none of them realized that people they know would see the stuff.

    I sure hope Mighty Mouse doesn't shut her shows down.

    @Wacky - I don't think they are talking about it at lunch.  They all seem pretty quiet.

    !Well I would like to know what they were seeing on the monitor but I think it's something else, I hope so. They seem Relaxed now!

  2. Jojo, I installed that program to see cameras varies but it did not work, I'm using 2 computers!

    Are you talking about Lisa's Dashboard?


    Okay.  First thing I would ask is what Operating System are you using?  If you are using XP or if your .Net is not up to date, that could be your problem.  Here is a post from Anonim asking about that...as well as Lisa's reply.  http://camcaps.net/random-discussion/chatbox/msg4269/#msg4269

    As she says, her next version will be web-based...meaning all you have to do is use your browser.  That might solve your problem.

    Thanks Jojo, I see it with Lisa!

  3. But I still have my doubts, barely arrived and already were breaking the mouth of the balloon!

    Can you explain that expression?  I've never heard it before and don't know what it means.

    It's just a slang, I mean that they have very hot

    I think I understand.

    They just got into the apartment and immediately give us a great show.

    yes, that's right!

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