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Posts posted by Le5b0

  1. il y a 52 minutes, sturmchaser a dit :

    Just look into those Doe eyes...   you WILL fall in love

    I have!  I didn't!  😂 

    But!  I am not as antagonistic towards DE as I have been.  Not sure if all the wounds will be healed between the three of them, but there will not be a return to the solid friendship they all used to have.  I think they may possibly still have business ties together, which is why she comes around to see Nina.  Let us not forget that they meet in the apartment, with so many people watching (including possibly Kira) that nothing romantic/sexual would ever happen between them.  Even though some on here would like that.

    It's purely platonic now.  We even get a cheeky wave from DE as she is leaving, which is astounding in itself, as she was always desperate to avoid acknowledging the cameras before.


    DE waving.png

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  2. Il y a 22 heures, hs6127 a dit :

    Posted in videos...

    Wow!  That was close, and the girls knew it...

    It seems to me that they need to sort this problem out now, before it's too late for one of the birds or one of the cats.  A cat can just as easily get injured trying to catch one of the birds, and to see the birds get terrorised so much is cruel.  Yet it is so easily remedied.  When they want to let the birds out of their cage, all they have to do is put the cats in the bathroom and close the door.  Simple!  when the birds are back in the cage, let the cats out of the bathroom.  Two minutes of care and consideration each day could save an awful lot of grief which could last a lifetime...



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  3. Apartment went offline (ISP Issue) earlier, all is OK now.

    So Lots of bitching about the girls and their lack of "action".  Frankly, there is action, just not the sort of thing that lots of people want.

    Let us not forget, that these are a couple whom have been together for a long time now.  Both of them are not getting any younger, and a significant birthday milestone is imminent.  These strange times we are all living through are traumatic for most people.  Especially the more responsible ones who have elderly parents and grandparents whom they worry about.  I guess it can be emotionally exhausting for such a lot of people, and the girls are not impervious to that.  As they are also cooped up in their apartment together, going out together, and hardly ever being apart, that also puts a dampener on reationships.  Getting stuck in a rut.

    Also, as they've been together so long, sexually, there is very little left for them to discover about each other.  They, like many of us need to take a break from our significant other.  Spend some time apart (like it used to be when we were going to work each day) and re-kindle the spark. Absence, really does make the heart grow fonder.

    So lets give them a break.  Get off their backs.  let them live their lives how they wish.  I mean, nobody interferes with your life do they.  Yes, this is different, they are on a site that pays to watch them.  Though it is not compulsory for anyone to do so.  There are a Zillion alternatives out there, use them.  Even the sub for VH is reasonable if you watch the other apartments, where I believe there are many alternative types of lifestyle to watch.  Go and enjoy them instead of wasting your life on here...

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  4. Il y a 1 heure, Kjeld Carlsen a dit :

    Cold weather, cold apartment, central heating not on, they have electric heaters on in all rooms, I would keep some clothes on, too


    SP weather.jpg  0

    It is obviously a cold apartment, so cannot blame them for wearing clothing and pyjamas. Blimey I do.

    That heater in the bedroom is a little unsafe where it is, too close to the doorway, with its little foot sticking out, someone is going to catch it with their toes.🙁

    • Like 1
  5. Ah you beat me to it Kjeld.  Just watched it on replay.

    It's damn cramped in that tiny bath.   Yet once again, it is Kira that always has to suffer the end with the taps, which is most uncomfortable for her.  Whilst Nina lays back and relaxes in comfort.

    Kira sacrifices far too much for her missus.  Perhaps, one day Nina will play fair and swap places.  Though I will not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.  I just wish she would be a little more considerate at times. 

    Now Nina will hate me again for mentioning such heresy.  Oh well. 

    Nand K new bath cam 1.png

    Nand K new bath cam 3.png

    • Like 6
  6. Il y a 3 heures, sturmchaser a dit :

    If I need to go out, I got my boots, my wallet, my keys, my gun, and my dog.  10 seconds, DONE.  It takes them 15 goddamn minutes from the time they decide to go out until they finally go out!  WHY??  Is it a female thing??  

    Note above:  Different world you live in my friend.

    15 Minutes, is that all.  I've been downstairs waiting with the engine running much longer than that...  Political correctness gone mad, but yes it's a woman thing.     Steel helmet on for the flack we'll get...😁

    • Haha 1
  7. il y a 12 minutes, jouandomy a dit :

    We are fortunate that our favorite subjects read this forum and test new positions from time to time, (for cameras too).

    Absolutely agree on this.  I was not criticising the girls for moving the Camera, it was mostly because others wanted it moved to what I considered a poorer location.  I said this many times in my previous posts that, it was OK where it was.  I NEVER intended to upset anyone, that was never my intention, though I knew that it might. 

    The cameras that are used are not meant to be used as close-up, macro or portrait cameras, but as wide angle ones to get as much in focus as possible.  This is obvious when Kira holds up a cat or a bird to one of the cams and it is too close to focus properly. So all you see is a distorted blur.  The lenses NEED distance.

    I guess my problem is that as an amateur/enthusiast photographer, I look too closely at the things that matter to me. In this order:  Composition. Lighting. Sharp Focus (usually on an eye) or the central subject of interest. Colour rendition.  Saturation.  ISO and noise suppression.  Chromatic Aberration.  So it goes on.  Basically, I pixel peep too much, and I cannot help it...

    So if anyone has been offended, then my apologies.

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  8. Il y a 3 heures, refazer a dit :

    Finally real bread (for French people)

    Ahh YES!  For some of us Brits too.  Many memories of cycling into the town of Bolene in the early morning to pick up the first Baguette of the day, fresh from the oven.   It never made it back in one piece, I always nibbled the end off.  🙂

    • Haha 4
  9. Right I've calmed down a little now.  To put things in perspective about Cam8.  It's a case of "Be careful what you wish for" in quality terms.  The new position will work great during the day.  Night time, not so.  For some that will be a bummer because all they are interested in is the sex.  Also as they spend more and more time out of the apartment during the day, it's all a moot point, nothing much to see for most.

    An alternative position for cam 8 would be back on the old wall, but further back towards the door.  This will give a view from the left bottom corner of the bed.  As this is where Kira spends most of her time in her favourite position with her head between the thighs of Nina, well I'll leave that to your imagination.

    As an aside.  Nina often gets blamed for not giving Kira some sex.  BUT.  If you watch the foreplay earlier, then she tries real hard to but Kira is too strong for her...

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  10. Well, we actually get to see some Lovemaking between them this night. Just before 01:30 for those that are interested?

    Now I know I am going to get some flack for this, but moving Cam 8 to this position was a bad idea!  

    The fact they make love mostly in the middle of the night with the lights out means we have to suffer the IR lights being in shot.  Now from Cam 8 we are overpowered with contrast highlights if they are too close to camera.  Both the lights from the other cams are a pain in the arse.  What with Halo's and lense flare ruining any chance of a clean video.  Cams 7 and 8 are directly opposite each other, right in the centre of the shot which is ridiculously distracting.  Only if one of them blocks out this light does the picture become acceptable.

    I was going to post a video, but quite frankly, it's hardly worth it...  OK.  Rant mode over.

    Kira without lens flare.png

    Kira with lens flare.png

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  11. il y a une heure, scorpioben a dit :

    Nah I think this angle is perfect. 🙂

    I really don't care about the camera angle, but the lady is  "Absolute Perfection" as far as I am concerned.

    Меня действительно не волнует ракурс камеры, но, насколько я понимаю, эта женщина - «Абсолютное совершенство».


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  12. Il y a 2 heures, sturmchaser a dit :

    I did not see on the timeline what you saw,

    Hi, I will post a little video in the videos section, (them's the rules folks).

    Kira doing a version of the Monty Python sketch "Ministry of Silly Walks"  which was great fun to watch.  Nina (Queen Victoria) was "Not Amused".  😅

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  13. Il y a 2 heures, disneykid a dit :

    Who watch’s tv these days anyway

    Err!  I do!!!    Mostly comedy such as Mock the week, live at the Apollo, and QI.  Also University Challenge to keep the brain ticking over.  Then lately, BBC News.  Sad I know, but there is a lot going on right now and we should keep on top of it.  OK, back to comedy, 8 out of 10 cats, but only on replay to zip through the adverts...  😁

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