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Posts posted by Jonno

  1. Tenants knowing about cameras, but not where they are located. No access to the site or any forums that help promote it. Not easy, and people will say impossible, but my opinion the only way to change, and have a site different from what is available currently. 

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  2. On 5/12/2020 at 10:23 AM, TBG 150 said:

    And shows generate income. Seeing as you all have access to Leora and Malia, you must be paying members of RLC. It appears their tactics are working in their favor. 

    I would watch them if the apartment was free, but I refuse to be extorted in large sums for entertainment that I can get free elsewhere. And that is JMHO!

    Other ways to see what them and others are doing without being a paying member. Just because certain members enjoy staged shows, does not mean everyone does. JMHO! 

  3. 27 minutes ago, Robwin said:

    To be honest aren't most of them the same now? Most now seem to pose for the cams and arrange the best viewing position, not particulary moaning but just seeing it for what it is. JMO.

    Very staged and all about making a show. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Hi Jonsey, stretching it out is certainly more profitable, but I would need to cum some time before waiting 7 hours to start really getting down to business. I'd be leaving wet spots everywhere I sat down! Haha, I should delete that last remark but its true and funny to me so I won't. If I'm talking weirder than usual, its Guys birthday this week and I'm on my third Margarita at this early hour!

    Sounds like you are having fun, and why not. I wouldn't be able to either, but suppose it depends on how much is to be made and getting as many views as possible. Nothing wrong with saying the truth, no matter how many you have had 😂

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  5. 11 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

    A lot of people think this is just a show, but this show has been going for 8 hours now. And if was just a show, they would have gotten to this part 7 hours ago!

    Why go straight to the finale when they can stretch it out. Plus it gives Melissa time to get as much alcohol down her throat that's needed to perform. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, billycox said:

    ok. so let's see if I can express this properly. I enjoy watching this apartment more than any other. however, I have to turn away or go another  apartment about a third of the time. why? because I can't watch henry continually PICKING HIS NOSE. he does it when he's alone, when mira is with him or when there are guests. he does it all the time. I don't need to see this on a daily basis. sorry I know i'll get criticized for this, but I just checked in and he's doing it again. other than that...

    Don't apologise. Allowed to give your opinion no matter what it is. Just part of the Real World and some do it more than others. One thing about this sort of thing, you notice peoples bad habits which we all have. 

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