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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Yep, if you prefer that. Everyone's favourite guest/lover. 🤣
  2. Friends and family as well. And they wonder why they get blocked.
  3. Linda busy day in the office/guest room.
  4. The answer is in your question 😂
  5. But if she changes her name, she'll be a completely different person. 🤣 New name, new me.
  6. Tibore not far behind. Looks further along than Nelly. 🤣
  7. Good old Social Media. Some members follow/stalk as many as they can find.
  8. New name, new me. 🤣 Not going to change that quick. Fucking deluded.
  9. Not unless Linda gets up the duff. 🤣
  10. Like some of her fans. A fucking Arsehole.
  11. Chilli Con Carne getting ready for a masturbate 🤔
  12. Facing the corner so can't see fuck all. 🤣 That a fuck you bate. 😂
  13. Eating again. No chance of starving to death anyway. 🤣
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