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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Saying that. His little boy fan club would be drooling over it. lol
  2. Wouldn't be a surprise. First Angie. Now these two. Anything is possible.
  3. Then all the sex and drugs wouldn't happen in the garage. End of speculation. 🤣
  4. Does she ever move from that seat.
  5. Guaranteed she'll be back. Worth it just to piss certain members off.
  6. Obsessed stalkers that need to know every single thing. Tracking certain tenants every move.
  7. Getting worse and worse. True voyeur site lol. Never know what is coming next.
  8. Jabba the Hut. He will be the main man on the VHTV forum. His bum boys right behind him.
  9. Anthony back after his sexy time with the girls off cam. 🤣
  10. Even Stevie wonder could see it was over the top and pure performing. Very funny.
  11. Best she can come up with. Only the "Queen" Leora lovers will watch that shit.
  12. Anyone that thinks he done nothing wrong need to have a good look at themselves. And given the same treatment Moron deserves.
  13. What? Do you think you know more than anyone else that witnessed it. 🤣
  14. Hopefully they don't know exactly what happened. Shocking if they do and are acting the way they are around him.
  15. I would hope they don't know. Especially the way they are around him right now.
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