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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. 🤣 She was never going to make to the end without
  2. Sophia has a face of. Couldn't care less. 🤣
  3. DraMash making a cxxt of herself again 🤣
  4. Nearly had him. Gypsy's are Hardy fuckers.
  5. She definitely offers something delicious to eat. 😛
  6. That the best they can come up with. Ass to cam with underwear on. 🤣
  7. Usyk gets his range. Fury is down. Fury getting better to be fair.
  8. That's an even bigger piss take than what Caroline gets up to 🤣
  9. Done 🤣 Did move a bit. Now in the fucking way again.
  10. Boxing on. Main fight coming soon.
  11. Yes. Get back discussing all the interesting stuff that's happening. 😂
  12. Paul working overtime. 🤔
  13. Nutty Nads getting ready for another cock hunt. Or not.
  14. A lot of them may as well be empty. More life in a cemetery. 🤣
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