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Everything posted by HappyChappie

  1. Ariana telling about her sexually adventures, like me with a certain German barmaid. 🙂
  2. And I thought you lot wanted to get to know these girls. You're just after their bodies...you filthy animals. 🙂
  3. There you go Aussie, Radi sleeps with a teddy bear on top. Dream away my friend. 🙂
  4. Unfortunately, I think this going up in the garage is going to be a common thing, even with the next cast. It's been shown they can get away with it. I don't blame Bodgan for it as it is a thing Nelly as introduced. Some people say put a camera in the garage, I can't see this happening cause of maybe showing car regs, from which people can be identified from. Since B4 reopened as a GOV/COV the freedom the girls had before to be nude in the villa as declined. But this cast can not be replaced in these covid days even though they came in during the height of covid in Barcalona. Just saying.🤷‍♂️
  5. I do agree with you, a lot of today's youngsters will be leading lights in the fields of science, politics, law and eduction. But all these leading lights will have some experience in boozing and drugs along the way. 🙂
  6. But on a serious note, I use to do the 18 to 30 holidays in europe a lot and have visited a lot of places. A lot of drugs, weed was used along with heavy boozing. It's the way it is these days, but without the weed and other drugs I doubt I'd have had so much fun I had. Think of it this way, it's their lives to fuck up in any manner they want. 😉
  7. Only the rich do this much sex, drugs and rock and roll. So these tenents are well paid. 🙂
  8. Radi is turning into the star of the show. Gorgeous girl, banging body. We just need to see more of her personality now. Looking foward to her getting a bigger bedroom. 🙂
  9. Now you are just giving hope to those who might want to do that. Until I win the jackpot on euro millions it's something I would not think of doing. 🙂
  10. I'd be very surprised if anything sexually happened between Holly and Nelly. Thing is did Nelly stop Holly and Alek doing more?
  11. They've smoked weed before in full view of the cameras. Maybe they did more but to take at least 2 hours to do it?
  12. Now if they had come in from a night club acting like this I'd accept. But they've been in the villa all night, they've had parties and such in the LR so why hide in the garage?
  13. It's not like they've not done this on camera before. It's Nelly's doing this is.
  14. And they'll do it more and more cause they are getting away with it. Is this what you pay to see?omethi EDIT: It'll carry on to the next cast. Something as to be said about it.
  15. During this pandemic with covid rlc as managed to replace the entire cast of the Barcelona apartments. They did it in one go with B4 during the height of the pandemic.
  16. Just think you american subscribers, you can hear them but not see them. Is this what you want from this site? Is this what you pay for?
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