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Posts posted by ddhothot

  1. 54 minutes ago, pifflebunk said:

    An no, if that is the case and their dog does die or is PTS (put to sleep) then I hope rlc pulls the plug for as long as is necessary and give them both time to grieve in peace.  

    While I agree it's needed, can you imagine the conspiracy theory posts on here if they do have time away.  It's bad enough if they are a different room or one of them goes out without the other.

  2. 27 minutes ago, pifflebunk said:

    You are so right, but can you imagine the outcry in the UK if the beeb put some skimpy clad wench to report on the weather.  In this PC gone mad country there would be less of a outcry if they murdered kids on air live. LOL 

    Good thing we have C4 for the likes of Naked Attraction.

    But to be fair to the BBC, although it's no where near perfect, it must be doing something right. Left leaning think its too right wing, while right leaning think it's too left wing.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Noldus said:

    Admin and Stncld have to answer  ... (You think you know what I mean, if you look back)
    We are at least allowed to have a thread with the same theme ..

    Apologies for bringing you into it, you have the unfortunate job of controlling it. 

    We've seen there's a mix of opinions on it, just something I've not seen elsewhere for such few pages.

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  4. Just now, HarleyFatboy said:

    Making a new topic page every 30 posts is just ridiculous!  What purpose does it serve?  Go back to the general topics and be done with it!!  If a new CC member comes on and see's that the apartment just opened a couple of weeks ago and see's that there is 9 Luna&Zac topics that contain at least 30 pages each, that new CC member is going to "WTF" and probably won't go back and read anything past topic 8.  If it does anything, it probably turns the new members off to the forum!!  At least in the general threads everything was there together and you only had to traverse one topic.  I ask again....what purpose does it serve?

    100% agree, its crazy. I see no positive to come from this madness. Makes it much harder to see what is going on.

    @Noldus is there a reason for this?

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