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Everything posted by Boing

  1. I also think so: the features of Leia's face and the guest are very similar.
  2. Now they are in the living room; but Samson is not there ... very strange he had gone out with Tim from B7
  3. Leia, Trinity, Tim and maybe Samson have been hiding in B4's garage for 15 minutes
  4. These days I'm following little ... but where is Samson: I haven't seen him for 2 or 3 days
  5. In your opinion, could this fantastic host (don Juan) be Yanai's brother?
  6. I'm sorry if I was inaccurate: I don't write in my language... The door is hidden from camera view: it is seen only when it is opened
  7. That's not true, I saw them walk in and out several times tonight through the hidden door of the hall (to the right of cam 2.6) and they stayed there enough time. They were off cam, but I don't know what activities they did: maybe they were chatting ... in a garage (!?)
  8. Volevo contraddirti, ma ho smesso. Ora sono sicuro di aver ragione: Samson e Tim erano in costume da bagno quando sono usciti. Ora sono tornati tutti dalle scale esterne... Così anche Sansone, Tim e Cassandra si sono recati nella parte fuori camma della casa entrando tramite le scale esterne del giardino. Or rather ... probably Samson and Tim accompanied Kassandra out of the villa and returned to the off-cam zone.
  9. I am speechless! After days of absolute emptiness in B4 and B7, tonight the few remaining in B7 have a little party and went to hide in the off cam part of the house !! 😠
  10. How did you know that he no longer goes to Rome? Did Lavi meet him again in B2 or was there a phone call?
  11. Given that the mystery of the bag in the kitchen has been solved, that bag has been there for three days and no one has bothered to take it or move it or see what it contains.
  12. Yes, I heard it too: he leaves today and will drive to Rome and will come back on Monday or Tuesday, I don't remember well. I also do not think she will go with him ... but it is a strange coincidence.
  13. Is she going to Rome with her new boyfriend? 🤤
  14. Who is sleeping in Zabava's bed right now? Marlene or Zabava? I can't recognize her. Last night Zabava was in bed with Esmi and now he is no longer in B1. Did she move early this morning?
  15. They have equipped the gym with heavy equipment: so I think it is expected that it will also be used by the men of B7. Also I think some girls are happy with their presence
  16. Now Lilith has gone alone to the lower off-cam backyard. But how big is this part of the garden? and what does it do there?
  17. Lilith and Samson went to the off-cam part below the backyard (cam 5-6)☹️
  18. Ok thank you! But it's all very strange: I'm pretty sure I saw Zara put her bag there this morning before breakfast ... I begin to question my intellectual abilities ... 😱 ... or Zara took that bag yesterday, and returned it to the same place this morning 😃
  19. Unfortunately I don't have the replay. What does this replay prove?
  20. Meanwhile, the bag that Zara left in the kitchen is still there !
  21. No, Zara put that bag there when she had breakfast in the kitchen before leaving. And it seems to me that it was an envelope where she put the last things used before leaving (beatycase, hairbrushes, etc.)
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