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Posts posted by lexington

  1. Le 7/31/2023 à 7:52 PM, StarLight28 a dit :

    Sie bieten nur endlose Wiederholungen von US-Rep-Dummheiten welche mit der Realität nichts zu tun haben. "Putin und Fatboy im Schach gehalten" ?? Beide haben Trump in ihre Tasche gesteckt - nur Trump hat das nicht gemerkt. "Fatboy" wartet nur auf eine Gelegenheit den USA ein EI ins Nest zu legen, und der Iran, und China, und Indien und Putin und und und. Trump ist ein irrationaler Träumer, der keine Wahrheit kennt - deshalb taumelt er von Prozeß zu Prozeß und fühlt sich von allen verfolgt. Aber er erkennt nicht, das er selber Urheber von allem Unheil ist.

    Keine Antwort von Ihnen das 2-jährige US-Kinder mit Waffen Mütter und Geschwister töten. USA, ein Cowboy-Staat der immer noch auf dem Fundament von Gewalt aufgebaut ist - und nicht bereit ist ein humaner Staat zu werden.

    Ich habe alle Hoffnung aufgegeben. Träumen SIE weiter von Illusionen - von nichts kommt nichts. Ich wünsche Ihnen für Ihre Zukunft alles Gute ! 


    "No response" he says lol this from a guy who has dodge every fact and question thrown at him lol it's like your fucking 5 years old chucking your toys about and screaming because you just can't get your shit right,sure i wish you all the best i  feel your gonna need all the help you can get.

  2. il y a 18 minutes, StarLight28 a dit :

    Es geht hier im Unterforum um WAFFEN und den Waffenmißbrauch in den USA. Es geht nicht um Geschichte in Europa, diesen dummen Seitenhieb hat Eichhörnchen initiiert. Auf das Thema gehe ich nicht weiter ein, auch nicht darauf ob Amerikaner oder Europäer dümmer sind. Wer sich Leute wie Trump anschaut erhält seine Antwort.

    Meine Aussage ist, das kleine Kinder welche mit Waffen und Waffengewalt aufwachsen automatisch Teil eines rabiaten Staates werden - und das ist ihre USA ohne Zweifel. Wie viele 2-Jährige haben in den USA in den letzten Monaten ihre Mütter oder Geschwister erschossen  ??? Und eine dumme REP-Gouverneurin prahlt mit Stolz das ihr 2-jähriger Enkel bereits scharfe Waffen besitzt. Menschenverstand ist das Thema hier - und davon gibt es in den USA offenbar erschreckend wenig. Lernt dazu Cowboys !


    Excuse me you made some dumb ass statements about the Constitution and other stuff so i put you right and all you done is come back with more dumb ass statements,i mean come on Trump made a economy which made Europe and China look like beginners,ended wars and got guys in the Mid East talking when no one else could,kept Putin and the Korean fatboy in their place and you call him stupid ffs you are simple! in answer to your moronic statement me and nearly everyone i know have been brought up with guns and no we're no psycho's so hey your wrong yet again.and yeah the US is a rabid state lol Jesus every place we've got involved with either the UN or European countries have been there and when they aint we've been asked so come on up your game here,do some real research and then talk gun ownership otherwise your just another euro fool who repeats BS,and by the way ignores his own gun crime

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  3. Le 7/26/2023 à 11:04 PM, StarLight28 a dit :


    Danke für Ihre Antwort. Viel Lärm um nichts. Es lohnt nicht weiter zu diskutieren. Was war war, wichtig ist was heute ist und morgen wird.

    Erziehung ist Grundlage des Verhalten von Menschen. US-Kinder, welche mit Gewalt in TV und dummen Kino-Filmen mit Waffen und Aktion und Waffengewalt mit Amok überall aufwachsen sind einfach in ihrem Inneren gestört. 

    Es gibt tatsächlich einen Zusammenhang zwischen Kinder-Erziehung mit Waffenpräsenz um sie herum und Gewalt und Gewaltbereitschaft des Staates. Lesen Sie Fachliteratur.  Warum hat USA eine Rolle als "Welt-Polizist" übernommen ???  Krieg spielen in anderen Ländern außerhalb der USA macht Spaß und das ausplündern der Länder bringt Profit. Seit verlorenen Kriegen gegen Afghanistan, Irak, Syrien hat USA großes Defizit wegen der Kriege. Und würde Europa den USA Aufwendungen für US-initiierte Flüchtlinge in Rechnung stellen wäre das US-Defizit noch erheblich größer. Nach Aufstieg von Brasilien, Indien, China wird Bedeutung der USA immer geringer - Atomwaffen hin oder her. Das ist Fakt !!  



    It's not worth discussing because you rant on like a child making the most irrational and totally unfounded assertions like they come straight from the lords own book,in fact you really need to take a good look at yourself because like so many Europeans your not so educated or peace loving as you think,but seeing as you have no answer to my replies except your childish babble you already know your a bit simple,and by the way  if the US was to bill Europe for 75 years of defense then guess who owes who.

  4. il y a 9 minutes, StarLight28 a dit :


    Ich ignoriere nichts in der Geschichte. Das Thema hier ist "Waffen" und Missbrauch von Waffen. Deutschland, NAZI und Juden hat "Eichhörnchen" hier zum Thema gemacht. USA ist der Staat, der ungehemmten Besitz von tödlichen Waffen 1793 in einer alten Verfassung deklariert hat. Seitdem hat sich in der Welt vieles geändert, doch Amerikaner weigern sich diese veralterte Verfassung zu ändern und Mord und Totschlag im eigenen Land hin zu nehmen und Gewalt in alle Welt zu tragen. Seit 1945 über 65 kriegerische Einsätze der USA mit 20 bis 30 Millionen Toten.

    Meine Frage war, ob ein Staat der per Verfassung tödliche Waffen für Jeden genehmigt Rechtsstaat und "Demokratie" sein kann ? Folgen siehe oben. Zu aktueller US-Geschichte sollte @Foamy T. Squirrel sich vielleicht einmal Gedanken machen anstatt sich über 100 Jahre alte Geschichte in Europa Gedanken zu machen.

    Keine Waffen für ALLE in den USA, das ist das Thema. Damit wäre USA und unsere Welt friedlicher.


    You stated Germany was a democracy since 1945 which was untrue,and again now you carry on your stupidity by declaring the Constitution allows unrestrained possession of firearms when most know that is not the case ,and calling the Constitution outdated is about as dumb as anyone can get when few in the worlds legal systems would agree with you,but maybe setting out a citizens rights and restraints on their government may not be for you which confirms my belief you are a bit simple.But you go on and somehow believe that gun ownership is partly responsible for US military operations globally when i would think a 50 year war with communism had a great deal to with it and the resulting death toll,then there's the fact the US is considered as the worlds policeman and the first place countries call on when threatened.and yet again your question is nonsensical as the Constitution does not allow everyone to own a firearm so maybe base your question on facts not fantasy,now of course European history both past and present is very relevant seeing as it's where the most murderous and vile ideologies,Communism,Fascism and Nazism originated (how many did those kill?)  and from where two world wars were launched,or do you ignore those because they don't fit the US bad Europe good narrative,but lets end by asking just how would you convince law abiding Americans to give up their 2nd amendment right and the protections it brings,considering there is no law that can ever take guns out of circulation or stop the importation of 1000s of illegal firearms each year.my guess is your like so many others who really have no idea why Americans own firearms or the reality of gun crime and related deaths so face the fact you may not be as educated and superior as you think.

  5. il y a 10 minutes, StarLight28 a dit :


    Totaler Unsinn. Mit Waffen ist kein Problem zu lösen. Im Moment schlagen in Israel sich Juden gegen Juden gegenseitig ihre Köpfe ein. Ein Bürgerkrieg droht weil dieser kriminelle Jude von Netanjahu, von den USA gestützt, ein Faschist ist, wie dieser ekelhafte Trump. Und so schließt sich der Kreis. Deutschland ist seit 1945 eine stabile Demokratie - USA und Israel auch ???


    The US supports Israel no matter whose in power in either country so it's pointless mentioning the US unless of course your a bit simple,and that seems to be the case when you follow up with "Trump is fascist" which never fails to get a laugh considering his policies and actions are no where near,and by the way there was no Germany from 1945 until unification in 1989 or are you denying the existence of the totalitarian part.

  6. Le 9/15/2021 à 10:05 PM, StarLight28 a dit :

    Der "Brexit" ist ein totaler Flop für Britannien. War England vorher auf Platz 5 der EU-Wirtschaftspartner, so fallen sie nun zurück auf Platz 11 - hinter Tschechien.. Ein Weg hin zu einem Staat ohne Bedeutung. Ein Weg hin zum 51. sten Bundestaat der USA - weit weg von Europa. Logisch: Ohne die illegal eingreifende USA in WK2 vor Kriegserklärung wäre Britannien schon lange tot. Seit 100 Jahren ist England nur abhängiger Anhang der USA. Weit weg von Europa. Überheblich und dumm.

    Britisch, fuck yourself !


    The UK is doing fine on its own get over it LOL but no you guys have to act like the bitter divorced wife,by the way the Brits are supplying the Ukraine with everything you douches have paid paid Putin 40 billion since the war began so you should gfy and stop talking shit.

  7. il y a 1 minute, JenniferMom a dit :

    Lex ... very interesting question.  This assumes if they closed the Villa, people would stop subscribing.  Perhaps.  But given how often people bitch about the villa and GOV/COV ... I am not so sure.  Nonetheless, your point is a good one, the Villa is the crown jewel.  Which is why it needs to be the focus of the entire Barca RLC presence.   Honestly, I don't understand why there isn't a pool party every Saturday and/or Sunday during the summer.  You get all these people to party together often enough ... it becomes less like a "company picnic" and more like something that is fun and perhaps inhibitions start to melt.

    If RLC has hired a consultant like McKinsey or someone like that, they are getting ripped off.  Just read  this forum.  We are your most passionate customers.

    They did close it for a while then Nelly kept visiting,not sure about the timescale i got to busy and didn't come here for a while but when i did they had moved in

  8. il y a 28 minutes, Mark Thompson a dit :

    you are probably right ...I see them as anchors !!! to a sinking Villa ....  just kidding actually the Villa is too cool to sink in this cesspool  

    RLC will be around for a long time ...it is a unique , sometimes flawed but a unique product for the kink and voyeur market.... they have proved it is easy to find exhibitionists' or willing for pay!  exhibitionists participants ...so Bogdan (nelly) are becoming integral to managing operations in this lucrative (hedonistic) Barcelona .... 

    Maybe their taking precautions so their prime asset ain't wrecked again,RLC more then likely can take some noise complaints,the odd visit from the cops but like any company repair costs and closing for months with loss of revenue is a big no no.

  9. il y a 4 minutes, tommy845 a dit :

    Yeah. If she'll keep doing weird stuff like her I think that only Gina will be her friend.

    Since apparently Gina and Stella are best friends (Yesterday Gina told Cleo that Stella is "mi mejor amiga" - her best friend), Gina will probably only stop befriending with her only if Stella show interest again in Bruno, because that seems to be her red line (as we saw with Masha)

    Only a matter of time with the drinking n all,

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  10. il y a 3 minutes, tommy845 a dit :

    I actually think that Pam will get along with her.

    It might not be immediately and she'll probably look at her a bit differently andwont connect with her at their first meeting 

    but I have the feeling that they have the same vibes - both of them are quite outgoing and definitely not introverts.

    But with Radi it will be much more different, I don't think Radi will like her and get along with her

    Not if she does shit like that she won't butI'm totally biased anyway not minding if Ariana stayed another year.

  11. Le 9/4/2020 à 6:50 PM, letsdothis a dit :

    You obviously didn't read my previous post or watch the video about
    fascism. Typical good, little Republican.

    As I've said several times throughout my postings about COVID-19,
    I'm not political. I don't keep up with politics or current events. I've
    never been a member of any political party and I've never known or
    even cared what party a politician belonged to when I voted for them.

    In fact, in the last several months of posting in the COVID-19 topic
    and this one, I've learned more about politics and current events
    than I've known during the entire rest of my life combined. And,
    during most of that time, I never knew what party the psychopath
    was affiliated with because it didn't matter. As I've said before, it's
    the person, and I use that term very loosely, whom I despise. It's
    not political.

    So, as far as I'm concerned, you can call yourself any damn thing
    you please. I don't give a rat's ass. If you support the psychopath,
    you're all the same, be it right-wing, conservative, Republican or
    haters of America. It's all the same and makes no difference to me.

    But, I'll give you this. I said I have never belonged to any political
    party, but if I was forced to choose one, it would definitely not be
    the Republican, conservative, etc. party. Thanks to you and the
    rest of your cronies on this site, with your vitriolic postings,
    name-calling tactics, attacking anyone whose opinion differed
    from yours, etc., etc., you have – probably forever – turned me
    against your beliefs. So, give yourselves a good-ol'-boy pat on
    the back for that one.

    Oh dumbass your bullshit video proved nothing but your refusal to admit the first step act was a good thing shows your a racist so again glad to have you out the closet.try not to get triggered this time

  12. Il y a 7 heures, letsdothis a dit :

    Like I said, good little Republican. Anyone, at this point, who doesn't
    see that the psychopath is a fascist, simply isn't paying attention.
    But, as I said, good little Republican. Just like the Senate Republicans.

    Still waiting for proof he's a fascist but all I get is the same old dumbass bullshit,which is you calling anyone who supports Trump a republican which makes you a even bigger dumbass then i first thought,

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