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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. No, he saved it by explaining to a Chinese military commander that Trump's cheese slid off his cracker. You support an insane man.
  2. Infrastructure, badly needed, is far left? Equal right to vote is far left? You just hate that your QTrumplicans don't have control of the lever.
  3. Which part of his statement was "Propaganda" you fascist fuck?
  4. Maybe in your warped, far-right fascist mind. You call us snowflakes, yet you're afraid of everything and everybody.
  5. Manufactured? Nope. But whenever you talk, it pollutes our air, so clam up, K?
  6. Who cares? Let him resign. At least he kept that crazy orange fuck at bay when he was trying to overthrow democracy.
  7. Do you EVER not whine and cry like a little twat? Geezus dude.
  8. You know that sick fuck took a pic of his own toilet after he dropped a deuce. Ridge is ok with it, as long as it's his buddy.
  9. Awwww.....Poor GQP snowflakes are triggered again. Conservative group files ethics complaint against AOC for attending Met Gala WWW.YAHOO.COM “We are confident we complied with all ethics rules," Ocasio-Cortez's office said in a statement.
  10. Nah....He's walking up and down Sunset Blvd. with a "Voter fraud" sign.
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