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  1. Something is wrong with Dantez. His left jaw is swollen and has an ice pack on it. Gyana seems confused as to what to do to help him. He got the cold shivers then started flinching. Hope he gets to feeling better.
  2. That look in their eyes when they realized it broke was priceless. The look of now what? ....pregnancy, a miserable 9 months...a baby? Possible STD, what does this all mean? lol.. I laugh becasue I have been there... done that. They did have some moments of laughter before they went to sleep. I hope it all works out for them.
  3. Yes, it looked like he busted through the condom. It was a freakin' marathon sex event! Their reactions are not good. They are stressed now and of course smoking... that's what you do when you bust through a condom hahaha
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