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Everything posted by Kenpaul

  1. πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜€β˜οΈπŸ˜€β˜οΈπŸ˜€β˜οΈπŸ˜€β˜οΈπŸ˜€ Thanks for the insight. Someone could use the word John or Mary, but with 99% not speaking the language, the names could go right by us. Arse and bloody, I can tell you're not American. Arse never used, bloody only if you're injured. Haha Ignore emojis at top, I was having problems. Thanks again!
  2. As a relative rookie,since August. has anyone been able to figure out names in any of RLC apartments? You have to figure, by listing to coversations, names will be said. Thanks!
  3. I miss Carla. I know the girls like sex, but I always thought Carla, not only sexual, was very horny. I saw take off her panties in the kitchen, walk up to Yani and put her pussy into his face. I haven't seen any girl do anything like that at RLC. Thanks for the information!
  4. I've only been here since August, no subscription. Has anyone heard anything about the Carla/Yani, and Luna/Zac apartment? Thanks!
  5. I need some help here. Martina was on the computer. Does anyone if she is working on her Russian or her school work? I don't have a subscription. It's hard to decide. It seems about 50/50. Some that had it claim it's BS, others like it. Thanks!
  6. About an hour and half ago, Tibor looked like he was setting up a photo/video shoot. He came in,from off camera, did a hand spring off the couch and landed near the side window. He stuck his landing. Maybe Linda married him for other things than just his cock. Linda was in the bedroom.
  7. L&T had a great one a couple of days ago(Fri.or Sat. I think) Couch to kitchen back to couch. She was doing some serious squealing. Alberto can take lessons.πŸ˜€
  8. Taking a tip from Tibor. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Did you notice after his shower, they were done in under 1/2 hour? Alberto cums he's done, no attempt to prolong it. No wonder Nelly looks so good with their prolonged sessions. I know men and women are different, but he can do better.
  9. How many times have we seen Martina look unsatisfied after fuckIng Alberto. He rarely helps her cum. Maybe she's learning sexuall satisfaction from Nelly. As to, if I don't do it he won't. I know there are plenty Martina bate clips. She's just making sure. I wonder if Martina passes any Nelly tips onto Alberto as to what she would like done to her?
  10. Last I looked, M&A were in bed together, gasp cuddling! It's been about 10 minutes.So, they may have moved on.
  11. Thanks! I don't know if you're American or not, but about 25-30 years ago there was a baseball player, Felix Fermin,from Latin America. Probably, a fairly Spanish name.
  12. Martina was on her phone, and talking to A. at the same time. Alberto said the name Carlos in response to a question. Later, she said the name Fermin. Do either of these names ring a bell?
  13. I've seen older clips of L&T. You're correct; she did have a different body look. I like the fact they have a workout routine. Don't believe the US Covid casualty figures. For some reason there is a financial incentive to report Covid deaths. Example: Larry King, a celebrity here, died head lines said Covid. His family put out a retraction, saying he died of something else. Both parties are guilty of overlooking Covid. A year ago politicians, from both sides, were saying don't worry. Be judicious in your news coverage from US. Had my first attack fine. Not so fine, attacked but no facts to back it up. Just name calling. I'm sure you've been attacked before. At one, their time, Alberto was staring at a piece of paper, he did not look happy. Martina did not appear to be home. What was on the paper I wonder. Have a good day!
  14. In the US, it's as though we have 50 countries. The president can only suggest, but it's up to each governor to set the restrictions. Your second paragraph is spot on. It's like a run away train. None of the four were prepared for the intensity. To be candid, I really would be a big fan of Linda and Tibor. My problem is Linda's tatoos . Not a fan. They put on a great show in the living room around 7-8 their time. I like the stability of those two, and not the seeming "chaos" of the other 4,A&M, N&B.
  15. Some of this reminds me of my ex-wife and I. Know matter what we did the day before, we couldn't wait until tomorrow. Just like Nelly and Martina, long session yesterday, back at at it today. I've read some speculate a five year difference in age. To my eyes, he looks older than 29-30. Plus, it seems we have an extrovert (M) and an introvert (A),and it's playing itself out. Also, some have speculated what happens when Nelly's visa expires? I'm sure both are aware if this. You are correct: Covid has changed every thing. I'm in the US and for the most part we don't have the same restrictions as Spain. Some states are strict , but most are easing up. I still can't tell if Alberto is taking this well, or will there be a flash point? Take care. Your insights are illuminating.
  16. I agree. Something is changing with her. How fast only time will tell. I looked in on Alberto, by observation only it's sad. Nice talking to you again.☝️☝️☝️
  17. I know Alberto is a big boy, but the current visual of him sitting in his camo robe holding Taco is sad to see.
  18. I caught the last few minutes. It was excellent. Went from couch, to kitchen ,back to couch. He came on her chest. What a contrast how Tibor takes care of Linda after they're done compared to Alberto. Night and day. Tibor makes sure Linda cums. Alberto not so much.
  19. You make a good point. Martina was gone, probably to buy the wine, when Alberto cleaned the apartment. If it's her guest, I can't figure out why he was cleaning not she. Unfortunately for us, we can't understand M&A conversations to know what they agree upon. I like talking to you. You make interesting and intelligent points. Take care.
  20. On RLC Live, you can see short clips of past people. There is slim 20-25 year old, she wears just a t-shirt. Sometimes she fucks a guy in the kitchen. I don't recognize the kitchen. Also, she has dark brown hair. Name please!
  21. Just asking questions, looking for answers. Clean up your spelling, you'll come across as more intelligent. Have a good day!
  22. The pact I was referring to is between Martina and Alberto. I shouldn't have used wife. Alberto was deep cleaning the living room for over an hour so Martina could have a fuck date with Nelly. Is Alberto doing this out of deep love for Martina, or if he keeps her happy, he can have access to unlimited sex and companionship with a beautiful woman? Who knows? I find the alcohol one strange. When Martina & Nelly fuck, they do so after consuming large amounts of alcohol. They fuck their men without it. Does the alcohol help ease any guilt? Again who knows? Martina and Nelly had two smoke breaks yesterday. Is it just tobacco that Martina rolls? Does anyone know? Thanks for replying with your insight.
  23. Two things I noticed about today: 1) Just like the villa, M&N drink a large amount of alcohol before they fuck. With their men, they just fuck. Psychologits would have a field day with this. 2) I tuned at 1:00 their time,and A. was deep cleaning the livingroom. He had furniture moved and was using a mop etc. I don't when he started or finished. So, A. leaves the apartment for 4 or 5 hours so his wife could fuck a woman. I'm thinking what kind of agreement have they made. I.E. I'll look the other way so I can fuck this beautiful woman and have her companionship? To me, its baffling.
  24. I agree with you. I've gone back and watched pre Nelly clips,even at their old apartment, it was different. I know people change, but A seemed a lot more attentive years ago than he does now. You're right I've never seen them turn down each others sexual advances. He just doesn't seem to help her finish now.
  25. You're right about respective men. A. is more of a wham, bam, thank you man. When have we ever seen him cuddle with her after sex? Sometimes he helps her clean up cum sometimes not. Usually he gets dressed and does something else, while she just lies there.
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