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Everything posted by Lookwarm

  1. For two days now he has hung around like a bad spell, gazing at Nadia and Aziza, then Esmi, on to B4, where heknew he was going to bump into Massimo. And finally to his bed where he wanked himself off, to a viseo link. For a man who seemingly has ejaculating as his main goal in life, it's been a misreable week.
  2. She seems like a very nice person but she didn't really contribute much.
  3. All her stuff is packed into bags in her room. Looks like relocating.
  4. Squash the Cat has moved from Karma's room into Aziza's. Which is fine, she's never in hers.
  5. We get this every single day, morning noon and night. We really don't need a cheap imitation on here. This is not the place.
  6. It's not difficult to imagine that RLC might be heading for a crisis. The amount if time spent away from the project by those in it, The increasing time spent in the garage, against subscriber's interests, The rumoured Wolf plan to stage events away from the project, The quality of recent additions and the shortage of tenants. It's not a progressive look.
  7. She's getting 400 Euro a week, all her food, drink and accommodation. How hou doing?
  8. So many will never be missed but not Naytiri. She was fun, bouncy and a real looker. I hope her God looks after her .
  9. Aziza seems to be getting the "talk" from Svetlana in the kitchen. Couldn't do any harm, I'm sure philosopher Svetlana has seen a bit of life, in her time. I hope the advice was less alcohol and no drugs. Aziza's not the bright, bubbly girl she was.
  10. Don't be ridiculous, jealous of that little troll. We're talking about the safety of young people here. How long would it have taken him? Grow up, it will soon be too late.
  11. Cheers, that's the minutes I was missing. I only watched for that long, to make sure she didn't come to harm.
  12. Hey Mr. Big Shot Wolf! Did you drop off Aziza last night after your business trip? If so, you're not a big shot you're a louse. She's a 22 year old, not long since a girl and you left her in real danger to herself. One little trip on stairs and you would have been in big trouble. It's not the first time she's been in that state and she has to take responsibility for that. But a real man would have seen her safely to her room.
  13. Unless you actually saw her go into the garage, I don't thnk she did. She went into her room and stumbled about a bit. She then went back to the kitchen and got herself a large glass of water, sat in the living room for a short while and then went into Neytiri's room and had a fumble about with her, including pulling her out of bed. I warched everything she did except for a few minutes.
  14. Neytiri on bed waiting to leave, she already has a packed case at the back door.
  15. I watched Karma and Aziza leave first thing yesterday morning, I believe with Wolf but I did not see him. Aziza's bag included her small pink make up bag so I assumed she was away over night. It's been said here earlier, with apparwnt authority, that the three were away seeking a venue for a special kinky fetish night away from this project. If that is true, along with the increased use of the garage, I will not spend another penny here. I have another 3 weeks to run and that will be it.
  16. The crossdresser using the garage as a holiday home - not complaining!
  17. Aziza had a brilliant night in B2, during the early hours. She got out of her bed after midnight, where she was reading her phone and hot footed to the party in B2, while Neytiri and Wolf were also heading there from B7. After shaking her booty for a little while, she went into Nadia's bed and - you've guessed it - read her phone. Outstanding female logic.
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