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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Posts posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. 7 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

    No, pretty sure you are making an issue about nothing, stop making shit up.

    you didn't have to make your comment you could have just scrolled right past. and what part of shit is shit i didn't make it up hes had them on for four no actually five days now it's all there to be seen, don't know about you but I change my clothes everyday, go on do the right thing press the mute button then you can relax from people saying things you don't like 

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  2. 1 hour ago, kylian13579 said:

    Martina Sad about the departure of Alberto

    Yip shes so sad right enough do you see her moping around the flat nope me neither, she probably helped pack his bag and opened the door for him and said don't hurry back im sure ill be fine. Yup sad isn't the first word that comes to mind haha

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  3. 3 minutes ago, ffb55333 said:

    Why would you say deepdave was wrong ?  The party was yesterday she had to come home sometime. I think dave was right. I think we know who is wrong.

    5 hours ago he said she was away home to her home town , she not shes here so he was wrong unless her home town is less than 5 hours away and we know it isn't 

  4. 27 minutes ago, Monsena said:

    ...martina is my favourite one... i was surprised see her sleeping with that big man, but.... anyway, even if i would be a little gelous (Alberto is a standard, habits...) why do not think that he will go and she will be there with another one, ore just with who happen? I hope not with her new girlfriend because... it would become everyday the same as now. alone, with guests. Her girl seems to do not want cams...

    put Alberto out and bring in the new girlfriend that would put the apartments ratings right up 

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