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  1. Yeah, only time there is excitement is when the sister visits. Other than that, they just sit around playing video games and have sex once a week or two. No social life whatsoever. Jade started off strong, looked like she had a little bit of a kinky side to her with outfits and such. Unfortunately, Alberto sucked the life out of her and now they are in a doldrum of coexistence, it seems.
  2. That was 3 days after R&D joined, just over a year ago now.
  3. I know she plays World of Warcraft. That game steals your life, I probably lost a good 6-7 years of mine to it.
  4. True story.. or she might live a few houses down from me here in the USA.
  5. The ending of that shows that Esenia definitely does not want to get pregnant. She panicked about cum just barely coming in contact with her labia.
  6. Meh, the hookers/strippers that live in the villas aren't really interesting stories.
  7. The current theory is that they may have broken up and Jul is with Val's sister, she's basically a blonde version of Val. It's one of the 3 big storylines going on this year. The other two involve Caroline and her friend "Frisky" and then Alberto and Jade's sister.
  8. Most definitely. It can also be considered a form of emotional abuse. Val has shown signs by having random breakdowns. (I'm not a psychologist, but I've been in a similar situation with an ex.)
  9. She plays World of Warcraft, hence the long times in front of the computer.
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