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Everything posted by yadevol

  1. yadevol

    Tver - Split 3

    Sonja and Ivor sex soon
  2. yadevol

    Tver - Split 3

    HOTTING UP IN TVER :curse:
  3. Can't really see but is Nataly sleeping on the sofa?
  4. evelina darling's twitter id includes the name nataly. Is it possible that greg is her SO?
  5. You can even find a picture of natascha and sonja on her twitter page (natascha's)
  6. yadevol

    Tver - Split 3

    Is Sonja back already?
  7. Three times in not many more hours
  8. Is anyone else having problems connecting to some cameras? Have reported it
  9. They are all chatting happily with Akira now so I guess it was either and act or a misunderstanding. I never can follow the logic of these people even if it is scripted, the script doesn't make sense.
  10. I am afraid I may have started this. I saw the event and wrote that almost looked like rape. The almost is important. I saw him try to rip Natascha's knickers off she resisted and he thought better of it, left, and finished himself off in the bathroom. I am not suggesting he tried to rape, but that he got carried away and the got hold of himself at the last moment. BTW there is a tearful discussion with J and G going on at the moment.
  11. and Natascha just came in. Any one seen Akira?
  12. I have just got back. I see Natascha/Akira's bed has been occupied -- was neat now messy -- but flat i empty apart from J and G did anybody see what happened?
  13. Did anyone see what happened this morning. I saw Akira in Tver but he has now gone out and Natascha and Julia were gone when I looked.
  14. I didn't see the laughing. When Akira came back he said something a she replied with a very terse Da.
  15. Interesting to see what happens tomorrow. Is Akira gone or Natascha or both
  16. True, but she also isn't talking to him. Also cock tease is an awfully loaded term. One can desire a sexual encounter that stops short of penetration, or perhaps Akira simply cut to the chase too fast.
  17. That ended strangely. He almost looked like he was trying rape her at the end. He tried to rip her knickers off. Not speaking now
  18. who ever predicted 5 am is a wizard
  19. yadevol

    Tver - Split 3

    Most of the time she was in the shower but came out half way through. BTW sonja doesn't swallow
  20. Do we know Akira and Charlie split up? When they both visited Tver last week they seemed perfectly happy and that was after Akira and Natascha.
  21. Not much going on in Tver either. Petra doing fanny maintainence
  22. Another thought and I agree this is an odd place to raise it, but has anyone else noticed that the men do almost none of the housework (apart from lifting their feet for the vacuum). Ivor changes lightbulbs and move furniture but that's it.
  23. I agree looks like another damp squib, but remember Akira's ability to look uninterested even when being fellated!
  24. Mr1010 I assume you were being ironic about Akira
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