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Everything posted by Adalbert

  1. Yes, she still has some pain. Now relaxing (sleeping) on the couch. Not sure what has happened, she slept the night on the couch but this is not unusual and than woke up with the pain in her back. What a shit, tomorrow starts her new studies so not the best time for something like that. πŸ˜’
  2. No you haven't missed anything you are absolutely right my friend. She is only worried that she will no longer have these freedoms when she moves in with GF4 because GF4 wants to have a 100% Martina not only a part of it.😁
  3. Nothing happened seems that Martina really has some problems with her back. Hope she gets better soon. 🀞
  4. She gets a back massage from Alberto. Earlier it was clear how such a thing ends, now let's see if something else happens. πŸ˜„
  5. I think are mostly right, but Martina doesn't plan to move in with GF4 she wants to have her freedom so currenty the plan is that she moves in an appartment from/with a classmate of her, but we cannot be sure about that.
  6. I just hope GF4 is smart enough not to join RLC. There is no reason for her to do so. She has a job and an apartment and Martina said that she doesn't want to move to her apartment.
  7. He has bought a small house outside of Barcelona. The financing was confirmed by the bank so he is the owner as soon as the notary appointment was.
  8. With your post you showed nicely that you have no idea what was going on between the two, too bad actually, because that makes the content of your post useless.πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  9. We don't know what has happened the last night and she has to work on the weekend. Who of us does not have days like this? Personally, I also have days like that from time to time. But agree, it's not normal with her. πŸ€”
  10. To post something aside from the usual complaints and observation. Martina is back home. πŸ˜„
  11. If you think so, than it must be true ( or not). Nice to see that Alberto has now so many supporters which he hasn't had in the older days.πŸ˜„
  12. Well Alberto is mostly on the balcony watching movies and smoking is that atractive for someone like Martina ? Regarding Taco, Alberto is working the whole day (6am to 5pm) so I'm not sure if this is better for Taco.
  13. She has a free day (like also yesterday) so she spends most probably the night with her girlfriend nothing new 🀭
  14. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I think Leora has a big following...by now we probably know her body better than her doctor does.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I can still remember the discusdions about Nelly and Bogdan. And after a break they are back and no one complains about it.
  15. Yes he is her dog. I think that Alberto will look for a new dog once he moves to his new house.
  16. I don't mind, I just look and they don't look dirty at the camera resolution. I don't smell anything.πŸ˜‚
  17. Statement was related to the popular Cameras at that time. The camera which showed Martina cooking was on the first place before the camera that showed the dildo fuck of Harley. Sure, everyone has their favorites and that's fine. Leora also knows how to keep her fans happy. πŸ˜†
  18. Quite interesting. Martina cooking topless in the kitchen is more popular than Harley fucking herself with a dildo. 🀣
  19. Thanks a lot. I was out and missed this. From whom or for who are the flowers ?
  20. A beautiful big bouquet of flowers is in the living room.πŸ˜‰
  21. only one small correction. In the ast months Martina mostly has taken Taco out. Alberto has clearly mentioned to Martina that Taco is her dog and she has to take care of him. πŸ˜‰
  22. Thanks Noldus for the info, now both are at the balkony...but no sound πŸ˜’ but a picture 😁
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