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Everything posted by mdsignguy

  1. At least you occasionally SEE Sofia & Roman, these people might as well not even live here. I understand that they're supposed to live their everyday lives in these apartments just as you would without the cameras, so maybe they are just a really busy couple. That said, why would RLC allow them to move in? Hell, they don't even have a dog or cat to watch run around. Somehow I missed the part where it states that these people are here for our own personal pleasure. There is nothing in the RL agreement/contract that states these people must entertain you. Of all the free porn site and web cam sites existing among the never ending world wide web, you people really can not find something to rub your shit raw too? These people do not live their lives to your command. And I doubt they really give 2 fucks that you "perfect" assholes think they are not attractive. Truth is, your hateful comments make you some of the ugliest bitches I have ever seen. If you think that it is just fine insulting these people they way some of you do, then point me out to your parent because they both deserve to be kicked in their non functioning nut. I can not imagine the lives that some of you have if it consist of coming on a public forum to talk shit about people you have no control over. Get over it, move on and go to some ridiculous website that allows for the immorality of women. Somehow I missed the part where it states that we can't give your opinion with out some idiot make reference about porn. I wonder who is the one need to move on here. I think your obsession misdirect you My obsession? Really? You are the dumb ass posting about them winning a boring contest but i am obsessing? Seems to me that you are the one with delusional tendencies. I can see your level of education. "they really give 2 fucks that you "perfect" assholes think they are not attractive" "your hateful comments make you some of the ugliest bitches" "both deserve to be kicked in their non functioning nut" I rest my case, Can't,wont deal with people using F word, B word in a conversation because they do not know better. The keyword of the end is EDUCATION. [/quote If I wanted your opinion on how I write out my post, I would wipe my ass to see what you have to say. This is a public forum that houses discussions of voyeurs. Who gives a shit about grammatical protocol. You watch people live their lives day in and out from your monitor, yet have the audacity to scrutinize my grammar? I am so sorry that you had to take the time and effort to correct me. Must have been agonizing to take the time to scour my post for errors when in fact you could have been switching from cam to cam to watch people pass through life in their own routine. Wait, boring routine. Now stop acting like a lil bitch and get back to these "boring" people and get off my fuckin nuts.
  2. At least you occasionally SEE Sofia & Roman, these people might as well not even live here. I understand that they're supposed to live their everyday lives in these apartments just as you would without the cameras, so maybe they are just a really busy couple. That said, why would RLC allow them to move in? Hell, they don't even have a dog or cat to watch run around. Somehow I missed the part where it states that these people are here for our own personal pleasure. There is nothing in the RL agreement/contract that states these people must entertain you. Of all the free porn site and web cam sites existing among the never ending world wide web, you people really can not find something to rub your shit raw too? These people do not live their lives to your command. And I doubt they really give 2 fucks that you "perfect" assholes think they are not attractive. Truth is, your hateful comments make you some of the ugliest bitches I have ever seen. If you think that it is just fine insulting these people they way some of you do, then point me out to your parent because they both deserve to be kicked in their non functioning nut. I can not imagine the lives that some of you have if it consist of coming on a public forum to talk shit about people you have no control over. Get over it, move on and go to some ridiculous website that allows for the immorality of women. Somehow I missed the part where it states that we can't give your opinion with out some idiot make reference about porn. I wonder who is the one need to move on here. I think your obsession misdirect you My obsession? Really? You are the dumb ass posting about them winning a boring contest but i am obsessing? Seems to me that you are the one with delusional tendencies.
  3. At least you occasionally SEE Sofia & Roman, these people might as well not even live here. I understand that they're supposed to live their everyday lives in these apartments just as you would without the cameras, so maybe they are just a really busy couple. That said, why would RLC allow them to move in? Hell, they don't even have a dog or cat to watch run around. Somehow I missed the part where it states that these people are here for our own personal pleasure. There is nothing in the RL agreement/contract that states these people must entertain you. Of all the free porn site and web cam sites existing among the never ending world wide web, you people really can not find something to rub your shit raw too? These people do not live their lives to your command. And I doubt they really give 2 fucks that you "perfect" assholes think they are not attractive. Truth is, your hateful comments make you some of the ugliest bitches I have ever seen. If you think that it is just fine insulting these people they way some of you do, then point me out to your parent because they both deserve to be kicked in their non functioning nut. I can not imagine the lives that some of you have if it consist of coming on a public forum to talk shit about people you have no control over. Get over it, move on and go to some ridiculous website that allows for the immorality of women.
  4. I'm so glad to see that people are finally waking up and realizing what I've been saying all along These new tenants on Rlc are boring as fuck they don't give a damn about doing anything interesting for us they just want to live for free with minimal effort lol. I guess if I could get away with it I would do the same thing too too. You need a fuckin hobby. They don't do anything "interesting" for us??? These people are not puppets on the end of broken strings. They do what they do and you pay to watch what ever they do. Please go and pull up the agreement between you and RLC and show me where it says they are at your every beck and call...Go ahead, I'll wait....
  5. When are some of you morons going to get the point? You are not paying these people to have sex for your enjoyment. The rules are rather simple. Live in a house where you know there are cameras 24 hours a day. That is what you are PAYING for. Multiple cams in a house with occupants. THAT IS IT! With all the free porn available on the internet I would think you could find other websites to polish the bishop to.
  6. You misunderstand me, with "doing nothing" I didn't mean "not having sex". I'm pretty it would be physically impossible :P. But I understand why you should think that. The tendency around this board nowadays seems to be that they need to have sex a lot or they should leave. But I don't agree with that I was talking about doing anything besides sitting on the couch. maya and stephan have parties sometimes, aline and anton as well but less frequently. Diana and effin have friends over and do stuff. or they play (or attempt to play) on their instruments. Leora and paul don't do a lot all day but I like to see how they interact with one another. how they can switch within minutes from fighting to calmly lie and talk for hours. They;re just busy with "stuff" and that makes it interesting to watch. to see how people are with their hobbies and friends and especially with one another. But if the couples don't have people over, only sit behind the pc/tv and don't even talk to one another. whats left for us to see? But the purpose of the website is to simply look into their every day lives. If this is what they do in their every day lives, then this is all we will get. The atmosphere surrounding the cams is what the tenants make of it. If they live boring lives, then we are to deal with it, to an extent. Just my input.
  7. Ive been watching this for the better part of 3 hours and they have been flirting with each other off and on. And it seems that Diana is OK with it. Maybe even encouraging it a lil bit.
  8. Alma looks so good sitting on that couch, in those jeans. Would be better if they were all naked.
  9. Today was the 2nd time I noticed her removing something from that handbag and taking it back to the bed from her. I have tried listening for any kind of buzzing, but have not heard anything yet. A few soft moans today tho.
  10. Does anyone pay attention to this young lady when she is lying down for bed? I have seen her twice now remove something from a handbag and take it beneath the blankets. It is obvious that she is rubbin one out under the sheets. If you follow her hand movements and the removing of her pants you will see what I mean. There is also the occasional soft moan. Hoping that someday soon she leaves the blankets off.
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