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Posts posted by Calang

  1. Thank You Jade1. Now we know "Mirra" is a fake.

    i am deeply impressed Calang because you had the right feeling about this.

    I had a feeling, because there was something about her writing that wasn't genuine.  "Her" pic and the "David/Dingo" story took it over the top.  However, I give all credit and thanks to Jade1 who brought forth evidence of her fake ass, fraudulent, lying, and deceiving phoniness.  One thing is to fool around, joke among ourselves, and crack on the couples, but it's another thing to come in here and try to act like you're someone you're not and make, not us, but yourself look stupid.  Because that's all this "Mirra" character did, make himself/herself/whatever look stupid.  If that's not reason enough to kick that ass to the curb, I don't know what is.  >:(

  2. This topic is a test only and will be deleted


    Photograph from here [TinEye]...

    -Alisa.jpg  ero-love.com/gallery/taila-1/index.ht...  ero-love.com/mplstudios

    - http://cdn.v4kt.com/scj/thumbs/885/675_Alisa_Alisa.jpg

    - http://ero-love.com/gallery/taila-1/index.html?15x9x49782

    - http://ero-love.com/mplstudios

    - http://www.glamdaily.com/gal/teen-public-flashing/

    Mirra minor,  young underage  ? ? ?

    Mirra is inscribed (e)  under different pseudonym  ? ? ?

    Good job Jade1!  I knew she was a fake and a phony!  ( http://www.glamdaily.com/gal/teen-public-flashing/ ). 

    Mirra/Mandy/Alisa/Whoever you are, go fuck yourself.  >:(

  3. I would like to see an older couple, like Fred and Ethel from I Love Lucy, rubbing Ben-Gay all over each other, and gumming the shit out of each other's genitalia, lmao  ;D

    You can see that sort of thing often on ww.com.

    I was only kidding bro, but if I ever really do get that craving, thanks to you JoJo, I'll know where to look, lol  ;D

  4. Well at least we have two open minded people here, NL and Mirra!

    Now, now Acer, let's not go there.  I'm open minded, but I'm not going to let one picture blind me.  How do you know that's even her for real bro?  People do shit like this all the time my good man!  I've heard stories of guys posing as women, and getting other guys riled up for their own sick amusement.  So it's not that I don't have an open mind amigo, I have a thinking mind.  But we'll see, maybe she'll post more pics of her sexy self, lol, and convince us, or she'll do as I'm suspecting, use my skepticism as an "excuse" to get pissed off and vanish.  Let's see what happens  ;) 

  5. Let's be democratic, if she is an exhibitionist,  have my support!

    I agree Acer, if she is who she says she is, this "computer designer engineer" LOL, and she wishes to parade herself before our ever gawking eyes, I'm all for it.  But when I smellz a rat, I smellz a rat.  It ain't easy being cheesy, right Mirra?  Lmao ;D

  6. Hey Miranda here I am like you asked. Thanks for waking me up for this all important thing you say it is. I don't think your reply to your own post was added because I didn't see it. I know what you said in your reply to me.  I have one thing to say to you. I thought I gave you a full life with our marriage and with our twins. Why are you doing this to me? I don't post or I don't reply because I have no desire too and I don't have a big mouth that can't stop yapping like you do.  I only read post here because you post here.  I have a good reason to check up on you and you now why. Stop telling people about our private life Miranda. Yes I am sorry I ever turned you on to RLC and this website. For some reason your maturity level has dropped down to the level when I meet you.  You are not 16 any longer so stop acting like a 16 year old girl and be the woman you are. I do not mind if you have fun here.  I am sorry I said some things about your posts.  I had no right to because we have always had space we need to be ourselves. I am very afraid that you will do what you always do however and now with the kids at their age it becomes dangerous to them. You know what I am talking about and you must do the right thing in order for us to have the sanctuary we have.  I pray to God that no one finds out about your past. Please stop showing everyone your pictures. Please Miranda.  Just use a plain simple avatar. Remove any and all your pictures off this site.  There you go I replied you your calling me out.  You know better to fight with me any way why would you try to joust with me and lose again as always.  Miranda you may have the brain of a genius when it comes to electronics and computers, but when it comes to real life every day living, you're mind is like a rat in a maze.  I am here to help you with that but you have to trust me when I ask or tell you to do something. The reason is always for the benefit and the goodness of our family. Anyway I love you with all my heart, I am telling you from my heart. I hope my replying to your ultimatum, I mean it David threat letter will allow us to have sex again. Now this is my ultimatum to you. Put out or get out! Miranda you ARE the mother of my children.  Don't you think our similar sense of humor has made it humanly possible for us to stay together all these years.  Also for the guys posting here, no offense but no matter how badly she makes you want her, you do not want to be with Miranda. I am giving everyone here heads up.  Miranda is a tease. She takes advantage of her looks and her cuteness to the extreme. That is a blessing to you all by the way. Trust me you do not want Miranda in your house or driving your car.  She will wreck both of them. There I didn't it for you"honey". I am done here.

    What the fuck??

    For real!  This is some bullshit!  I'm no actor, but I know a one man performance when I see one.  I think "Miranda" IS a 16 year old kid, having fun at our expense.  Have your fun whoever you are.  You might be pulling some chains here, but you're certainly not pulling mine.  Btw, I hope that's not the "Dingo" that stole the baby, lol

  7. Interesting, my copy doesn't have any writing, but it does have a watermark.

    This IS interesting. I'm guessing that's not really a picture of Mandy....

    I'm kind of leaning in that direction too hotcouple.  Fuck around, it's probably just some dick playing with our heads.  I don't think anyone would post a pic of themselves like that in a public forum, let alone say all the shit that "she" said.  Call me skeptical Mirra/Mandy/Whoever, but unless you can upload a video of yourself saying, "Go fuck yourself Calang!"  I'm going to treat you as I do everyone else, just one of the guys. 

  8. I like black panties too. On me not so much on Nora but I will tell you guys that you have good judgement about  Nora.  I have another question please, does anyone know what is the story of the "clown outfit".  It's driving me bananas not knowing.

    Oh also, Has Kiko been trying to get on top of Nora more since she's been wearing the black panites??  If I feel like rooting all I have to do is put my black panties on.  My black high cut/French cut Hanes for Chickies work well.  However my black micro fiber Vanity Fair Illuminations are really the over all favorite for getting my man's doodle to stand up.  Do you guys think Kiko is strange about sex with Nora??? When I am wearing the"black", my David goes total perve and starts acting like a dog around me.  Sniffing my butt area and licking me on my neck all the while trying to mount me.......I wish I could get it on video for you it's hilarious. Love y'all Miranda

    My "doodle" stood up just from reading this, lol.  Now I don't care about the Vanity Fair Illuminations, or French Cut Hanes, because they're coming off, lol, but it's nice to know when someone has a particular taste for something.  It kind of puts everything in your favor.  I also wish that you could get it on video.  I could use a good laugh, lol  ;D  ;)

  9. From what I've seen, quite a few people who share or comment on videos don't know what anal sex is, or are guessing. Most of the time it's just rear entry (woman lays down face-down, man lays on top and enters vagina - believe it or not, this actually works very well). I haven't seen a single definitive instance of anal sex.

    I know what anal sex is!  It's when one person fucks the shit out of the other, lol  ;D

    Wrong. It's when one person fucks the shit IN the other.  8)

    Hey, sometimes it goes in, sometimes it comes out!  Oh, and I hate when it comes out because then you have the smell, you have to wash the sheets, take a really good bath because of all the fecal germs and bacteria.  Man, this is some fucked up repugnant shit, lmao  ;D

  10. I think what freaks out some of the tenants is going online and finding videos of themselves.  I'm pretty sure that spooked Elena, Artur, Mighty Mouse and her man after their first night in their apartment.

    yeah but Mighty Mouse never failed to disappoint when it came to entertainment unlike her lil friends Elena and Artur lol by the way i wonder what happened to Mighty Mouse wonder why she dont come around nomore

    I guess she longer wants to "come and save the day," lol  ;D

  11. Whoever Mom that is i have to admit She is hot a true Milf if i must say i for one would love to see her get down maybe Alma and Stefan will go away for a weekend and she housesits and brings over a guy friend and they have fun all over the apartment lol wishful thinking

    That sounds real good, but I don't think Alma would cheat on Stefan.  She's too "in love" with him, in my opinion.

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