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  1. Th balcony window reflects the hall and the bedroom somehow . there must be a mirror in the hall that reflects the bedroom door and entrance into the living room window. Many people are confusing this with activity in the balcony ;)
  2. couple of caps only ,right? not much.. Also what they expect being there to start with, this is not for the shy..And they are surely not shy. So behavior is not logical, unless part of the tease.
  3. Burak, Could be the job states to stay there for some min amount of time regardless of activities , dream job for some. 8)
  4. Is it possible that they have another home, and they live here only to do their job with RLC?
  5. c'est vrai qu'il a une belle musculature et un beau kiki ;) :P Ou' est le video? partagez SVP
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