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Everything posted by seb38240

  1. fucking direspectful girls sia is kind she don't deserve it hope in the future she refuse to party with this two bitches
  2. maybe they plan something with sia have good time not in front of cam when they will put a cam on balcony
  3. not nice girls to do like this hyde on the balcony its look like they don't want to party anymore with sia
  4. not nice to let her alone its been more than hal hour they are outside i don't like theyre behaviours when there is fun to watch all dead so fast whispering too bad party is over i think
  5. look like jamine don't like her she never speak with her this girl is so patetic lazy its time for her to leave rlc would better to all of us
  6. j the fucking b she can go to the hell selfish return to your country nobody will miss you here
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