:) I am happy to hear you liked it and that it worked for you. No - those are pics of Ann's cam - phatwarez made a program that was outstanding back in 06-07 (its probably newer, that was when I got my hands on it) where u could set it on automating capture pics from camarades com - however, sadly the software arent working any more and he is not updating it. Back then all pics were saved on the server and could be found just simply fuskering for them. You can still fusker today, but very limited and lots of old archived stuff is removed from that server.
I have a few videos I captured myself a cpl of years ago - some masturbation vids with the blue dildo and one where she uses 2 cams - one showing a close up of her very wet pussy - actually its dripping wet. I need to find those vids in my archives - (those are a mess and it can take a while) and they probably need some editing as well.
Be patient - it might take a while, but I will eventually get there ;)