Yeah Duke she is very neat to watch. She is very sensual and takes her time bringing herself to climax which is very sexy to watch..She never really rushes it. I would like to see her do a little edging though. But I'm not sure she even knows what that is. Not many girls do. But ever since I tried it I do it all the time. Much better orgasms.And the chic that said I wish I had her figure I'm sure your just fine...TRISH
Well glad you enjoy watching us masturbate LOL.. Most women do it but we just don't talk about it that much LOL..I have to at least once a day or I'm a real bitch..TRISH
I'm watching her now on the couch and she never fails to turn me on and make me wet.I'd like to know if she has this affect on any other girls on here?...TRISH
Anyone else besides myself see how much happier leora is with a female. I never see here smile that much when shes with Paul. I've been lesbian all my life and I'm telling you guys that she really wants to try a woman. If we were to see all her sexuality come out with another woman it would be unlike anything ever seen on RLC.....TRISH
She's laying on the couch now in that hot red thong of hers with that tight, sweet round ass of hers it's enough to drive me crazy. Always gets me wet. I'd just love to see her really be made love to for once..TRISH
We could use more girl on girl activity on RLC to begin with.It gets so depressing seeing all these beautiful girls with these guys that couldn't screw their way out of a wet paper bag trying to bring these girls to orgasm..Now I know why I'm lesbian when I see this sad stories.. Yeah well LOL...TRISH
Paul has no idea how to take care of Leora, What she needs is a womans touch..I'd love to teach her how we women make love and bring her to orgasm after orgasm for hours. Maybe someday she may try a woman, we'll see..TRISH