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Everything posted by Stroxer

  1. Or at least contribute something constructive to the boards. Go hunt photobucket! It's what I do to earn some rep :)
  2. I posted there are you calling me GAY? which part of "anyone" you didn't understand? Well then I guess I am Gay...You do have a pretty mouth though. Fancying a snake isn't Gay, it's something else I believe..... You can't be gay if it's the first time. Technically it is only curiosity.
  3. I don't say much on here, but just because she chooses to finish herself off with her own hands, doesn't exactly mean that he is not capable. Some girls just prefer to take matters into their own hands, no pun intended, Also, sex isn't always an all day marathon. Sometimes you just need to scratch an itch. When my balls itch, I don't take an hour to get the job done. Just because you can peer into their home, doesn't make them pornstars. You're not going to get a 3 hour rehearsed sex session where everyone including the milkman comes over to get a piece.
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