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Everything posted by kzsjzkdjs

  1. they are not in the bedroom, where are they ?
  2. for each day without sex you can add a post here ......
  3. it's always frustrated with them. Each day they do the same thing, nothing happened between them. If they could leave RLC, it would be better for everyone ......
  4. it's not possible. It lasted less than 1 minutes last time they had sex ...... (And he can't last more)
  5. go on efim & diana forum if you want to talk about them please .........
  6. ilikesexalot it last about ten minutes. maybe you didn't see it from the beginning.
  7. and you think it made you an important user on this site. I enjoy for you.
  8. snoop99 almost the same number of post on this site and I registered on this site only a month ago.
  9. two times in two days good ! And it wasn't bad ...
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