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Posts posted by SpikedCoffee

  1. He's bored.  He's waiting for green shirt to shut up.  The guy next to him who saw one too many Kieth Carradine movies (and ate all the buttered popcorn).

    Yikes, he crossed a line eating all of Efim's popcorn!

    Its looks like these folks are spending the night.  I doubt anything will happen though - there are four of them and they seem kinda drunk. 

    I wonder if Diana and Efim let them know about the cameras...

    Probably, the girls are a little shy about them

  2. I'm thinking they probably got rid of the #1 cam, and the #2 will now be the kitchen view. Leora and Paul's apartment had the same thing in the bedroom where the floorplan showed one more camera than there actually was because one got taken down. They just recently updated it so you can't see on the floorplan where it used to be, but you can still see the mount on the bedroom wall.

    That's just my speculation about what happened to it, I could be dead wrong.

  3. Aaaaaand after laying in bed for a couple mins, he's back to poking at it and looking at it in the mirror. Not really sure what he's expecting to change every 5 minutes

    Estoy viendo a lucas y sus gestos son los mismos que yo tenia cuando me taparon el ojo por una herida en la cornea , oscuridad , la mano en el ojo malo , sentado en la misma posicion , mirar en el espejo , cambiar parche muy seguido , poner pomada , gotas , me queria morir , es muy muy molesto , me ha pasado varias veces , hasta el punto de que he perdido mucha vision .

    I had one too once, but after I put drops in, I just left it alone otherwise it hurt like hell

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