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Posts posted by zoth

  1. Hey Zoth if you speak Russian could you please tell us what the girls are saying thank you ;D ;D ;D ;D

    Эй Zoth если вы говорите России могли бы вы рассказать нам, что девушки говорят спасибо : D ; D ; D ; D

    Okay, actually ~70% of their speech is not very clear (I mean the quality of the sound). They talk about clubs, music, videos etc. - actually nothing special. Possibly sometimes they talk about more interesting topics like fucking but I never heard.

    Actually there were interesting things to listen to in Maya's, Zoya's and Alina's apartments.

    These three girls are sexy, beautiful, we have so many pictures and videos from them lately, but most time they do not talk about something interesting.

  2. блять блять блять BAD RUSSIAN!!!

    Уважаемый Нора и мои друзья,

    Я иду в город, когда я просыпаюсь. Я заботиться о всех продуктов питания для остальной части недели, поэтому, пожалуйста, оставьте кредитной карты в продуктовом магазине на кухне.

    PS. Не мойте посуду, когда я уйду. Я с удовольствием делаю это, когда я вернусь домой.



    Нора и девчонки,

    Когда я проснусь, я поеду в город. Куплю продуктов до конца недели, поэтому оставьте, пожалуйста, кредитку на кухне.

    Посуду не мойте, пока меня нет. Я помою, когда вернусь.

    Ваша Кристи.

  3. She is stupidly staying whats wrong with Girls that do that, they say they love them so much they cant leave, that aint love its stupidity u cant love a person like that. And rlc have no legal right to ban people thats is sending rlc Pictures of what happened, because it is a civil right to report illegal actions and prove it. They can only ban if that person was the same that posted them online. so if they ban u for sending them Pictures of illegal actions, take their as to Court they will lose.

    If rlc does nothing about this its stupid first people reported seeing drugs on the party they had and now this violence from him, it is not acceptable.

    fredrik29, my friend, they live in russia, no one cares there about what you call civil right, or home abuse, or all that crap. it works in the us, but it will not work in russia.

    welcome to russian reality.

  4. Zoth my friend =)

      It is you who will explain this fight, this is all because of betrayal or because the party?

    She told her friends about their (Y&T) internal problems and one of the friends, being drunk, tried to tell Yaric what he thought about that.

    And also Yaric thinks that Katya (ah, ok Taya) has someone else and specifically has anal sex once a week :D

    Yaric is a psycho, definitely.

    However he apologized, yet still yelling at Katya.

    She seems to be a young and very stupid girl, seriously.

    Well this doesn't give Yaric the right to abuse her, of course.

  5. "Пойду к своим шлюхам пиздой трясти" hahahahaha :D

    Кто это сказал?

    Вот эта блондинка и сказала, пока ругалась со своим парнем. Она орала на него, что его друзья накуриваются прямо в квартире. Типа, она не против, чтобы они накуривались на балконе или уже приходили накуренными, но ей не нравится, что они долбят прямо в квартире. И, видимо, была обижена, что ее парень считает ее подруг шлюхами.

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