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Posts posted by eremes

  1. 3 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    Upon entry to a club you get a wristband. It is just to show security you have paid and can enter and exit the club easily (for cigarettes etc.) If a club has a VIP area you may have a different wristband. It is common the world over.

    Thanks Benfold,
    I remember when my generation went to dance, there was a stamp on the back of the hand

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  2. 3 minutes ago, balt2103 said:

    You do not know women, do you? They laughs outside while they inside are full of rage!

    At some point, there is so much pressure inside them that they explode. In a fight maybe, as seen by nicole and estelle!

    Heute nachmittag kam Kylie zu Stella ins Zimmer, sie deckte Stella sorgfältig zu, denn sie hatte sich freigstrampelt. Dann versuchte sie Stella etwas mitzuteilen, sie hat sie ganz liebevoll an der Schulter gestreichelt. Stella hat Kylie angepflaumt, darauf ist Kuylie sehr angefressen aus dem Zimmer gelaufen. Das wars.

    This afternoon, Kylie came into Stella's room, she carefully covered Stella, for she had been free-kicking. Then she tried to tell Stella something, she caressed her lovingly on the shoulder. Stella has coughed Kylie, Kylie ran very upset out the room. That was it.

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