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Posts posted by eremes

  1. 19 minutes ago, jayp1220259 said:

    then she should not play him like that.

    That's her business. Irma is an icecold businesswoman. She is cold as a dog's snout. In this thread are example enough, how she treated Alex, maybe you dont know that.

    Alex has paid for her and not only for her a huge amount of money. And then the "lovely" Irma said to him (she woiuld get rid of him): "Alex we are so young and you are so ol...

    At this Moment, Jessica saved the situation and said precisely right" She is impolite too. Look at her face, when she plays her role: lovely, with a little girls voice, then when she is sitting in her business chair and checks her phone for a long time: where has the loviness gone? Look that face, you can see the true Irma. Alex is dependent on her.

    Read many pages back in the forum, then some things become clear


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