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Posts posted by Chicago515

  1. I can't believe this.  Efim and his GF are sleeping over and he is falling asleep without having sex?  She even tried to wake him up by stroking him under the sheet but he still won't give in.  I hope he isn't playing hard to get.......LOL.  WAKE UP EFIM!  She wants it!

  2. Free sex show on Chaturbate right now in Ceceseptember's room.  They made a mistake and now they are giving a show for free. She is SUPER HOT.  - It's over now.

  3. It's 5:30 am and Efim and his girlfriend just laid down to sleep, but we know having sex is on there mind.  But Bogdan is sitting on the beanbag chair in his tuxedo underwear watching TV with a look on his face that if I can't have her tonight, then neither can you. Come on Bogdan, go to bed already!  Efim wants some and she won't do it with you in the room.

  4. Tonight, Suzan and Hector are having guests sleep over.  But, I am not so sure they were invited to.  You see, while the guests were getting ready to go to sleep on the sofa, Susan and Hector went to their bedroom and had sex.  When that was over, they made themselves some popcorn then made the guests move over so they could watch TV on the sofa.  The male guest has his arms all over his girlfriend and is trying to sleep. The girlfriend is trying to sleep too, but Suzan's popcorn bowl is right next to her face and Suzan is chomping on her popcorn one at a time.  I can only imagine the popcorn smell, the TV sound from the TV, and the noises being made eating popcorn were all done on purpose to piss off the guests so they will not stay over ever again. Or......Suzan and Hector are doing this to prevent the guests from having sex on their couch.  Either way, they are being bad hosts.

  5. Absolutely not. I have been wondering where she was as when I saw her come through the door in the bathrobe I smply could not believe it. This is one for the conspiracy theorists.

    Update: She's at it again. Midnight in her robe.

    Right before she left she was in the guest room under to the left of the camera where we cannot see.  There is a window or balcony over there and she was there for a while.  The dog was watching her from the sofa.  Then she came back into view of the camera, put on her robe and slippers and left the apartment.  She has been gone for over twenty minutes and was wearing only panties and a red shirt under the robe.  Where could she be going or who is she meeting?  The window or balcony is on the same side of the apartment where the computer in the living room is setup at.  Many times people have notice her looking out the window there as if she was communicating to someone.  I am beginning to believe she may have another person she is seeing besides Paul and possibly when she masturbates in the guest room she is giving someone else, besides us, a show through the window.  It's after midnight her time, she left the apartment with almost nothing on under her robe, and has been gone a long time.  Very suspicious, if you ask me.

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