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Everything posted by JD007

  1. Ouch! Sun Burn (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  2. Looking good in the bathing suit. (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  3. Sorry Snaky, Should have been more specific. Kept cutting eyes toward upstairs , Even whispering in each others ear. Finally Nora said something and Milana motioned for them to go to balcony, Were talking in living room when Rita came downstairs. They quit talking and both looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. There actions made me think they were talking bout Rita.
  4. Bet Rita's ears are burning. Milana and Nora whispering in kitchen about Rita. Then motioned to go to balcony. At least she doesn't have much longer to get back stabbed.
  5. Sleeping Beauty (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  6. I think that's what todays youth calls it A Landing Strip. They were rare back in my day. "Landing Strip", funny how people can come up with names for things.
  7. I lost power from a storm for a few minutes but nothing happening on mine either.Hands by head whole time. Right now though she is partially out from under the covers and I haven't seen that before.
  8. Good, Had me worried for him for a minute, Thanks for the info.
  9. That is funniest thing I've seen in a while! Good job Euro! This is the reason I'm on this board. Everyone is here to express their opinions and have a good time doing it.
  10. He's the only one on my ignore list.
  11. JD007

    Paid Memberships

    I'm in the same boat. I got the pre-pay Visa and spent two days being told by Payza the card wasn't working while I'm using it everywhere else. I can't even get to Bit-Coin. I've never had such a hard time trying to pay 12.00 to someone for something I would like to have. Guess we'll just wait for the MasterCard system and hope it is better than this.
  12. Guess maintenance this morning was to let the cams cool off so they can keep up with these two!
  13. But Milana does. And both take it to shower and stop showering and text! They wouldn't have survived back in my day!
  14. In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.Experienced participants in online forums know that the most effective way to discourage a troll is usually to ignore it,because responding tends to encourage trolls to continue disruptive posts – hence the often-seen warning: "Please do not feed the trolls".
  15. Yep, Usually laughing and talking. both ignored each other and went straight to bed.
  16. There is a trick to it. First translate into any language. Then you tell it to translate again and the English button is there. Hit it and it translates everything into English.
  17. JD007

    Paid Memberships

    Thanks Stone Cold will probably just wait admn says working on MasterCard deal
  18. >:( >:(No se a que cambio de actitud te refieres, no suelta el movil ni para mear, comer, no se a levantado de la cama, ni lavarse la cara, ni siquiera tomarse un cafe y ya esta con el puto movil por no decirte que yo veo que sigue escondiendose detras de la puerta del armario, sinceramente no veo ningun cambio compañero, esto es mas de lo mismo por no hablarte de la otra monja. Botika I do see your point. The change I am talking about is her shyness towards the cams. She opened up some and does not hide quite as much now. She has only been there a week so I think getting in the shower with Nora was a big time improvement. This could have been staged or not. I don't know. Time will tell.
  19. I noticed Milana had started to loosen up over the past couple of days. Maybe Nora had a talk with Milana and changed her attitude. I noticed when Rita wasn't there that Nora and Milana have good time together and seem to get along good. Maybe RLC did read and act on the e-mails sent to them. Who knows. I hope this keeps up though.
  20. Damn! Milana and Nora in shower together now! I'm speechless!
  21. That was the best session so far. Suzan is very sexy and what a body!
  22. I think we may still have at least one more full week. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that both came at the beginning of a month instead of the exact end of the month. Just not sure. >:( >:(Otra semana con esta pesadilla? It looks like it's even worse than I thought. I think Rita came on the 2nd of the month, but can you believe that Milana has only been here 1 week? It seems she arrived on the 15th and this is only the 22nd. So, she may be here at least another 3 weeks. If that's true, I hold out very little hope that Milana won't talk any new girl that replaces Rita into joining the "No Show" club. :( >:( :'( You are right about the time both have stayed. The only hope we have is the new girl will be strong willed like Alisa and Jenny.
  23. I think the alcohol poisoning has kicked in for both. Keep looking at the time on cams to make sure they are still working. Neither has moved a muscle in over an hour. The only way I can be sure Rita is still with us is she is snoring as usual. Milana is breathing every now and then.
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