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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. 🙃 It has been a bit unclear what is happening there. Two days ago it was announced from support that they were in the process of installing cams, then they left the project today.. Kaya: Hi, She is setting the place and will be online during next days Noldus: What’s up? @kaya Kelys & Bardy [OFFLINE] left the project
  2. the girl for the other day back at Masha's - with the guy
  3. Or she was so excited by it that she asked to move up to B4 😉
  4. Winter is back
  5. Tessa sorts the contents of the wardrobe or packing?
  6. Jutta, Sibilla and Wendy added 🙂 @StnCld316
  7. Amalia, Mati, Massi and his friend arrived
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