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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Kitty and Smith joined the Reallifecam project on October 23rd 2016 and Departed the Project on November 30th 2016. In the apartment Gyana & Dantez lives in now.
  2. Anderson left the project @StnCld316
  3. Bardy back online after relocation and Kelys joined him @StnCld316
  4. Liliana left the project @StnCld316
  5. Welcome Xomes @StnCld316
  6. 8 in the morning and they continue with booze/shots pong
  7. They had a beer pong (or Booze pong) yesterday evening and she could hardly stand on his feet. Now there was more repair it seemed
  8. Noldus


  9. Harmony's new playmate
  10. It is said that she will move on her own. She has moved out of Harmony and more at Flora now
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