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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Angie has left the country - and the project. But RLC cannot remove her name, because then the apartment disappears
  2. So Fiora left the project after 147 days under this stay with Harley She left without any luggage Take care, all the best and see you around 😉
  3. So Sara and Wolf in the FR Nadia and the guy in the tub 🙂
  4. Looks like Fiora and Harley are going to test the Christmas beer
  5. I don't think the final judgment / decision in Barcelona has been made yet, so there is still a possibility of staying with Harley, if she is not deported
  6. Angie left M1 with all her belongings after 114 days Safe trip, take care and all the best Welcome back some time 🙂
  7. yep, 15-20 minutes on the UPS and so UM
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