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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. More shots - all three on the bed now
  2. Shots for Masha and the guest Masha is drunk 🙂
  3. 0526 Masha home - handshake with the guest
  4. The first year when B1 opened, Nora lived there permanently and two other girls came, who lived there for about 1 month. A few stayed a little longer. Gradually, it became common to stay for about 90 days in B1, B2, B3/B5, B4 until the pandemic in 2020, then it became a long stay, most of about 125 days
  5. Welcome back Lara Name Arrival Departure Location Duration (days) Lara #1 20.10.2016 18.11.2016 B1 30
  6. Welcome back Lara - long time. Name Arrival Departure Location Duration (days) Lara #1 20.10.2016 18.11.2016 B1 30
  7. Yes, There is only one double room in B4 and that is where Raniya lives now.
  8. It's been a while since RLC removed "GOV" and replaced it with singles
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