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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. I probably only have a better source than another here 😉
  2. Yes, Kyllie and Rus will move in to the large bedroom 🙂 and as you write C&C is on VHTV, so there is little chance that we will see them again on RLC
  3. Today, the Twins pass Nelly & Bogdan's 568 days and are now only behind Gina and Irma as those who have been longest in GOV / COV
  4. She spends 5 minutes putting on everything and finding what to bring, then going down again to pee
  5. Take your time Radi .. The others have been waiting for you for 10 minutes.
  6. Holly does not talk to Radi and Cecilia in the kitchen. Not even a good morning
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