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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Wolf left the project 29. March 2024 , after 199 days in B7
  2. Doorbell B4 - Naya, Katarina and Massi out the front door
  3. Online - And Helli added and Harmony removed (Harmony will be added little later) @StnCld316
  4. She has taken a Daniel 😁 She fell down a flight of stairs
  5. European Health Insurance Card The European Health Insurance Card is documentation of your right to coverage for necessary healthcare when you are staying temporarily in another EU/EEA country or Switzerland, on the same conditions as citizens of that country. You should therefore always have your card with you when travelling in these countries. https://www.helsenorge.no/en/health-rights-tourist-abroad/the-european-health-insurance-card/ This is in addition to travel insurance that covers necessary expenses or travel home In Norway, there are free healthcare services, only a small deductible. When it passes around €270 in the course of the calendar year, you get a free card and everything else is free. This also applies to "blue prescription" medicines
  6. Don't know, she went back to him on the couch now 🙂
  7. Nadia went in to her own room Massi on the couch
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