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Everything posted by Elcondor

  1. So Wolf is done and the other dude hasn't taken his short off?? Where did they get him from or he did not read the script carefully before accepting the job?
  2. No I am not saying that she is bad person. I am saying as a professional, she is probably taking advantage of the situation to make some cash, with no emotion attached.
  3. I think Sara is very smart and she is using the situation in her favour. I hope Karma is strong and mature enough to handle the situation in the event Sara decides to end this.
  4. There is nothing interesting about those two having sex.
  5. I agree with you. I think Karma is natural and really into Sara. but Sara is not really into her and looks sort of forced.
  6. I agree with you. I believe is clever enough to know when people don't him around and leave rather than embarassing and humiliating himself by forcing himself into them.
  7. He went back to his room to change and put on some deodorant.
  8. By the time Karma is done getting dressed, the party will be over.
  9. Oh boy Lacrym's reaction during that kiss is priceless😂
  10. I don't she is giving him any attention. She is just using him and leading him on. But again he is too naive.
  11. He is pitiful. I would love to know how old he is. I really hate to see men with no self respect. He thinks by running after girls and invading their space will lead them to his bed. Bu what he forgets is either women will take advantage of that and just use you or you will be anooying and no one will want to be with you. And I think right now Cecilia is just using him. He is too naive. I don't want to say too you since I don't know his age.
  12. Sara is not really into it. It think Karma is almost forcing her, which is a shame. like I said sara is more interested by the views.
  13. Probably because she already knows how its works. She knows by doing this, many subscribers will be watching, expecting something to happen.
  14. I could be wrong but I think Karma is willing to go further than what has been done so far but Sara keeps interrupting and looking at her phone. I think she is doing this only for the views and does want to go any further. Again i could be wrong.
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