Am sorry, just dont like to use the translation - that's work as well, you know?
Well, I have been to your country more than dozens time - and I have learned well enough that even you know how to speak - let's say english - you don't want to do it.
I am not really happy that english is a chosen world language. But - nevertheless I'm happy to come to a foreign land, am happy to speak and trying to learn their language and even am happy to be tought about it.
You respect your language. Trust me, I do mine as well.
But it is a matter of being kind (and clever as well, hehe) to adapt and accept the community that is agreed to communicate in a (whatever) certain language.
Think about what I have said before - would you be happy to have your own topic - only french lingua - and to be forbiden to post anything if it's not in the right one? Language I mean, hehe.
Cheers! π