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Posts posted by gogism

  1. 4 hours ago, Newark52 said:

    How many more times are you going to keep repeating yourself, also how much larger font are you going to use to try and hammer home a message that basically everyone, is pissed off hearing. I'm only around because you're keeping me amused (sad I know) until it's time for me to go out, as I also have a REAL PRIVATE LIFE, that funny enough people also pay for.

    Are you a cam girl, my dear...newark? 🙂

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  2. My  dear popeye. Missed you for some time now so just a bit of an update.

    Pulo became acceptable by all of us, even the mods.

    We still bitch about each other from time to time, but this topic is nowadays mostly about bitching over the girls in question, hehe.

    I guess you will have to adapt. Hopefully you wont put the girls on the ignore list... 😉


  3. Huh - wicked witch from the east! 🙂

    My dear queen, could I have a small request, pls?

    Do not pls do what you're doing right now in - the open... Perhaps you do it on the balcony...or even better - somehow positioned ( and zoomed perhaps? 😉 ) to the cams that would show some of yor preetier parts at the moment ,so I would not be scared to death watching your otherwise loveliest face. I'll deal with your not looking at the cam at this occasions... Meow? 😉

    Kiss, cheers and - keep being pretty for us!


  4. Think it's not allergy. Some girl stuff have some abrasives - like small parts of...I dont know sand, glass(hehe) or whatever. It's for peeling the skin. Those spots are mechanical injuries. The queen has some of them as well. I guess she didnt try as much as her girlfriend, hehe.

    Anyway - they will be ok in a day or 2. We might as well... 😉

    Kiss to both of them on every little hurt spot! 🙂


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  5. Am sorry, just dont like to use the translation - that's work as well, you know?

    Well, I have been to your country more than dozens time - and I have learned well enough that even you know how to speak - let's say english - you don't want to do it.

    I am not really happy that english is a chosen world language. But - nevertheless I'm happy to come to a foreign land, am happy to speak and trying to learn their language and even am happy to be tought about it.

    You respect your language. Trust me, I do mine as well.

    But it is a matter of being kind (and clever as well, hehe) to adapt and accept the community that is agreed to communicate in a (whatever) certain language.

    Think about what I have said before - would you be happy to have your own topic - only french lingua - and to be forbiden to post anything if it's not in the right one? Language I mean, hehe.

    Cheers! 😉

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