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Posts posted by In10se

  1. 1 minute ago, Benfold said:

    Assuming it would have happened without him. Rebecca certainly was of the opinion that the whole thing happened because he was present

    Rebecca was ashamed of herself for what she did and was probably blaming the guy. The guy wasn't even in their room. So unless he brought drugs or alcohol and thats what she's accusing him of, even though she chose to drink, its her own fault.

    Besides the girls had a Carolina Lez fest the other day with no guys present.

  2. 1 minute ago, ze81 said:

    Depends..problably the best orgy seen in barca apartment was with an dude presence..so depends if the dudes are for real or not..and what they all combined to do..most Probrably if anything happens gona be in the balcony...

    The guy was trying to get with Anna. Other than that he didn't do anything. It would have been just as epic without him.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    History tells us something ruins every night and if those guys come, they're not coming just to dance with some pretty girls and if they are we don't get a girl orgy, either way I think Milena might fuck things up.

    Maybe barca 2 will convert barca 1. Lima is in her panties so she is halfway from joining the dark side. Come on Milena...one of us.....one of us lol

  4. 5 minutes ago, F219 said:

    My money is B2.  Don't forget about the UM.  Maybe RLC laid down the law about getting along.

    This is suppose to be real life. Hopefully RLC doesnt say anything about getting along. Sometimes girls don't get along. No need for RLC to try and force good relations. Besides who wouldn't want to see some tension lead to some hair pulling, fists wailing, wrestling on the floor, good old fashioned cat fighting. :biggrin:

  5. 1 minute ago, longarm101 said:

    i am goingto sart thinking of b-1 as the taj mahal because its about as exciting as a tomb........these two while friendly are obviously not into each other beyond that.......hell they both bated once and i guess they figured they have met their obligation to RLC....lol

    I don't know about Lima but I believe its Milena's time of the month

  6. 4 minutes ago, longarm101 said:

    nora was before my time but given what i have read about her she may have come close, it seems she was not well liked

    I was around RLC when Nora and Kiko had there own Apt. Nora was always my favorite with Leora at a very close second. Then Nora became the permanent resident at barca 1 with two new girls rotating. She would always make sure the girls new the rules. The other girls always respected her. Which is why she was the queen lol. Lola however is just bossy and from what I read, Milena....Biyatch. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, me2hk said:

    RLC needs to provide a counselor for each location. With all the fucked up minds we have working tonight they would be busy. We could start with the blond guy that has a killed the party at V &T's. Then we have several people at apt 1 and 2 that could use some he

    That blonde guy couldn't keep it up the other day. No wonder she's upset lol

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