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  1. Thank you Woodworker for acknowledging that you were mislead on the comments you posted. I did the same thing a few years ago and since then have always taken any names in any political article and googled them to verified the validity of the article. I have friends from both sides of the political isle who send me articles backing up their political views. Since getting burned, I have found most articles to be a mix of truth and fantasy. The fantasy part covers up the truth they don't like about the other side. None of them have ever said the comments were wrong they just blame the other side for lying about something or just ignore my correction of their story altogether. I never bring up politics with these people because they are always right regardless of what they say. I don't believe either party is really concerned about the southern border of the U.S. Bush was Governor of Texas before moving to the Whitehouse. If it was a priority to him you would think he would have done something about it. He finally signed legislation to build a 700 mile long fence in 2006. When he left at the end of 2008 they had built only 16 miles. At 8 miles a year it would have taken over 80 years to build. I don't know if they are still working on it or if Obama stopped the work. Reagan and George H. Were in office for 12 yrs total and I don' think they had any permanent fencing built. It seems that sealing the border is only important to the party that is not in the Whitehouse.
  2. A check of the facts show that it was a bi-partisan bill. So in 2008 when the republicans were in power they supported the law and its meaning. Now that they are not in power they are upset that Obama has the nerve to follow a law they passed and signed into law. And the facts are that at least 139 children have been sent to Iowa and have been placed with relatives or sponsors.The Feds can place the children with any relative or sponsor that meets the requirements of the immigration law or in any Federal facility that is equipped to handle the kids without the states approval. The last time our Gov't gave amesty to any illegals with a path to citizenship was under Ronald Reagan. Alot of republicans are against any type of amnesty but still claim R.R. was the best president we ever had. I don't fully support what either side is doing because they are more concerned about getting re-elected and power than they are the citizens of this country.
  3. The gov you are so proud of did not send anybody anywhere. All the children crossing the border alone become wards of the federal gov't under an immigration law signed by George W.Bush in 2008. Obama can not send them back if they fall into the Bush law. They have to be processed thru the system before anything can be done . That may take years with the way the immigration system works.
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