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Posts posted by bookmaster8

  1. 1 minute ago, kris66 said:

    Your nonsense and fantasy ideas does not make any sense at all.

    That's fine that you think that. But, go back and read some of the other "theories" and find me one that makes sense.

    Or, better yet, don't go back and read. Just use your mind and tell me you didn't see any difference in any of the girl's behavior during the 4 days that he has been there. And, tell me why he has been there for 4 straight days doing nothing but bringing booze and encouraging more sexual interaction among the girls.

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  2. I haven't read all of the new posts from today. But, when I put the 4 nights together and look at them as a set, here's what I see...

    A Training Class

    It seems to me that this hairy dude has come to the Barcelona group as some type of instructor. All the girls (except Belle - maybe she's too young yet) seem to be listening to and following his suggestions.

    They have periodic group sessions where they talk in private on the pretense of having a smoke break where they can not be heard (areas without sound mics like balcony or bathroom).

    The "affection" that seemed so real on Wednesday night is gone. I haven't seen any actual "fooling around" type of play since Wednesday night except when he is present. And, even that is greatly "toned down" (probably because of not being in a drunken and/or drug stupor like they were Wednesday night).

    I don't think the training has anything to do with prostitution. But, it's very possible that they are being trained on how to act as hostesses at a night club or gentleman's club of some kind.

    There is just nothing "natural" about the way the girls of either house is acting right now. They seem to be "turning on" and "turning off" the sexy behavior in a coordinated or scheduled manner.

    Again, the most telling aspect of the whole thing is that I have seen no flirting or intimate activity among the girls when he is not there observing. I even noticed a couple of rebuttals in bed last night. Meagan pushed Rebecca away twice when they were trying to sleep side by side. Anna pushed Stella away in the room where they were sharing a bed. There doesn't seem to be any "genuine" sexual attraction at all except for Anna trying to win over the guy (and that may be for reasons other than sexual desire).

    It's obviously all just my opinion. But, to me, it makes a lot more sense than most of the theories that have been presented.



  3. Just now, euromike69 said:

    I posted earlier that Polya ate Lola's pussy,,and then Lola ate Polya's pussy while sticking a vibrating dildo up her pussy,,,and then Stella came in and joined them,,,then stella started licking Polya's pussy while Lola used the vibrator on Polya.

    And in the other room,,you had Anna and Stella giving ape man a handjob at the same time.,,,"to recap":biggrin:

    Oh, ok. Thanks. I must have somehow missed that post. Unfortunately, I didn't see that actually happen either. It must have happened when I was out shopping. I did, however, see (after they were already in bed) Meagan rebuff Rebecca's advances twice and Anna rebuff Stella's attempt to cuddle after everyone had gone to bed. So, I was wondering whether anything had happened that I missed.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, euromike69 said:
    1. On a serious note Though guys,,,,,listen to what I'm about to say because it is very important.:lightbulb::confused:
    2. Before Ilona and Irma,,,we never used to have a lot of people complain about not seeing any nudity right?
    3. But after the way that irma and Ilona were the first time they were here,,,after they left,,A lot of people here started demanding seeing naked Ass,Titties and pussy.
    4. Every girl after I&I was put under the microscope and bitched about day and night and called boring and not fit for this project,,,you guys know what I mean,,you all see the comments everyday,,,from some people who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent lmaooo!!:biggrin:
    5. My point is after Ilona and Irma started showing more nudity than what was shown before them,,,the level of expectation grew by leaps and bounds as to what every girl who followed them had to do,,,if they did not walk around naked they got trashed talked day in day out.
    6. So let me ask this,,,,"What on earth is now gonna be the new level of expectation of every new girl that comes to these apartments after what has happened these last 2 days?
    7. Are we now gonna expect every girl to eat pussy and suck dick,,,or else they will be deemed unfit to be in these apts,,,,just asking,,,I'm curious as to what the answers will be.::)

    Did I understand correctly though that tonight's "play" was much more subdued than yesterday's? I don't remember anyone posting tonight that any girl ate pussy or sucked dick or did anything more risque than touching tits. Is that correct? I know that I didn't see any of that tonight. So, if that's true, then we're still talking about only a single night where all caution was thrown to the wind. Correct?

  5. 13 minutes ago, royhobbs8 said:

    will give u a small recap as i'm tired been up for the whole thing

    belle and anna very friendly all over each looked like they were going hook up but hairy got in way

    megan and rebecca sneaked away to megans room and to everybodys shock rebecca went down on megan SHOCK

    belle came in megans room and all 3 girls played with each other got dildos and vibrators out  in megans bed, lola came in and joined briefly 

    then things moved to lola's room, they were really going after megans pussy with the toys trying to get her to orgasm, then belle used toy on rebecca and stella, 

    lots of baths, i wasn't watch as much hairy dude but he was all over anna trying to hookup with her, alot of girls were running interference and cock blocking

    it was a very entertaining and surprising night to all as the two shy and boring girls megan and rebecca really opened up tonight to show a wild side and belle was great helping everybody get off

    I am so upset that I missed almost all of that. 

  6. Just now, royhobbs8 said:

    i find this guys behavior strange he wouldn't leave anna alone she was in no shape to do anything as messed up as she was and he continued to go after her like a predator

    This whole thing reeks of "predator" activities. There didn't seem to be much "normal" or "natural" behavior from the girls from what I saw and read. I want to see how they act once they are all "sober" again.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, royhobbs8 said:

    i don't know what they were on or not on obviously alcohol was a big factor, i was really shocked when rebecca started licking megan didn't see any previous clues that showed she was interested and megan so boring last 2 weeks nobody expected megan and rebecca to lead the way, and then tiny belle, wow what a girl u wanna talk about girlfriend material she's got it helping everybody get off what a babe

    omg. I did not see Rebecca licking Megan. Do you mean actual cunnilingus or just licking her arms and legs and so forth? I definitely never saw that coming.

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  8. 9 minutes ago, emandem999 said:

    they wasnt on any date rape drug..to me it was a combination on xtasy, alcohol and just being european..i dont kno where ur from but in the US people aint so touchy feely like they are in europe. it looked like a hypened European sexuality to me

    Maybe you're right. I don't know. But, I have never seen anything like that. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, FartLeyHatboy said:

    When bright side of me was still active, it said something about Irma's and Anna's trips otside of the apartment when they lived in BCN1  in January. Now, those claims will start to become more and more true. Have you observed anything same in Irma's and Lola's behavior? Their style to walk, move, and so on...

    No matter how "clean" those girls are in social media, and no matter that some of them have a boyfriends. Ukraine has been in crisis, and is a poor country. What is easier way to beatiful girls earn money than to travel abroad and use the aids they have?

    Also that guy is part of the game, his role is to play servant. What were those short meetings in downstairs bathroom in BCN1, and tonight in balcony? Almost all the actions are  scripted. No real man can act like him. All the girls let her touch their bodys, and also touched him, no one was jealous. They didn't even care to hide their sexual moments from each other, and walked to the rooms without caring what was going on there. Is that much enough to prove my point?

    Still one question remains. Is that shit scripted by RLC, or by the girls (Lola and Anna) to get as much viewership bonuses as possible?

    Earlier so nice idea of all girls apartment, and all those beatiful memories has been ruined totally.



    I can understand why you would say that. But, I strongly disagree. What I saw tonight did not appear to be "usual" behavior from the girls - especially after observing them for the previous few weeks.

    They looked to me to be walking and moving in a haze or stuper. It was very unnatural and I have never seen anything like it. However, it does strongly resemble what I have read about how these new "date rape" drugs work. They simply break down the normal sexual resistance and cause a person to be very easily manipulated. That's what this looked like to me. 

    To me, the situation will clear up once all the girls are back to "normal" mentally. If this type of behavior continues, then I will concede that you may be right in some of your assessments. But, I'm going to be very surprised if they continue to be so open and willing sexually.

  10. I haven't read everything yet, but to say that what I've been seeing in this apartment since I got home from a concert tonight is simply unbelievable would not be an understatement. My brain is having trouble digesting it.

    When I first got home and turned on the site, I saw Anna jerking off the hairy guy and then suck him off and then roll over on the bed as if she were done.

    I won't go into what all I've seen since. I'm sure the forum posts already do a lot of that. But, the other thing I have to say is that it appears to me that all of the girls have dropped their sexual inhibitions and have no problem with hairy guy doing whatever he wants as they all fool around with different types of petting each other. Oh, yes. it also appears to me that all of the girls are drugged with the possible exception of Rebecca.

    I don't know if any "date rape" drugs have been used or not. But, I've never seen any drug cause such a dramatic change in attitude. I will be very interested in seeing how the girls act when this circus ends and they try to go back to some sort of routine. I wish I had video of everything that went on. Maybe that would help me make sense out of what I've seen.

    This has me in a complete state of shock. And, I still want to know who this guy is and what his relationship with RLC happens to be. 



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  11. 22 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    Finally!?Didnt you read some of post myself and other people saying basically the same think as him said!?Or we only said fantasy as you said...well maybe you only read an couple posts..so you saying this make sense..

    I read at least 15 pages of nonsense stating that the guy was Lola's bf or some guy she picked up off the street to Anna didn't want to have anything to do with him (and tried to fend him off) and all kinds of nonsense that the girls didn't want to have anything to do with him, etc. 

    Yes, there were some statements that made sense. But, they were few and far between and they were often mixed by the poster with other statements that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, BBsq69 said:

    You guys all watched the party last night.

    Did you not see him talk to the girls one by one in th laundry room?  

    Did you not seem control the lighting?

    Did you not seem bring in the candles?

    This guy is either RLC, their go between in Barcelona, or their manager?

    There was not one iota of spontaneity in last night's event. It was totally controlled by him and I repeat

    Did you not see him talk to the girls one by one in the laundry room? 

    If you think he is some guy Lola plucked off the street then you are probably willing to believe anything.

    Finally, after all these pages of fantasy, I read a post that agrees with what I saw. Thank you, BBsq. This guy was basically coordinating or orchestrating the entire evening. He almost definitely works for (or is one of the owner's of) RLC.

    The girls all knew him. They listened to him and had no objections to him seeing them naked or even touching them as with the massage play (where they all saw him nude) and even the act of joining them in bed. He was nobody's "boyfriend". The girls treated him as though he was in some position of authority.

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  13. 18 minutes ago, dana3 said:

    In my opinion, he must be 'someone' with power or money because these girls, as beautiful as they are, could not have set their standards this low?! They could do SOOOOOO much better.  I don't get it?  Oh well....guess we just have to laugh!

    I'm with you except for the last sentence. I'm still way too angry to laugh. :angry:

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  14. 1 minute ago, denizenkane said:

    There's a very good argument to be made this night goes down nothing this without his contributions...cough cough

    I want to know who he is. No normal boyfriend or guy off the street would have been allowed to watch and feel up every girl he wanted. Then, he blocked the view when the girls started to pet each other. I want to kick him out of that bed. I haven't been this angry in a long time. :angry:

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