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Posts posted by Pookus

  1. A lot of to-ing and fro-ing lately about peoples expectations and reasons for watching (these girls in particular). I'm more curious about the people in there themselves. Does anyone know where they all went last night? They all dressed alike (in black), suggesting they may have gone to a themed party, either at a house or a club, and all left and returned together. Yet this morning thinks look very different. The almost virginally saint-like Lara is up and her usual perky self, probably the result of not having touched a drop of grog. The other two, on the other hand, cant seem to wake up, they stir, try to sit or stand up, but end up collapsing and falling back to sleep again. Only my opinion, but I've seen this before both in Sydney and on the Gold Coast. I think they were slipped a rufee (or a Date Rape Drug). Melissa was up and exercising at some stupid time of the night, Lima, who's tolerance for booze is well documented, went up to get changed and suddenly just "zonked out" on the bed, like she couldn't move  - probably because she really couldn't. I think they were followed back to the apartment by someone who obviously wasn't banking on a big sign on the door telling them to "Smile - you're On Candid Camera". They're going to eventually wake up with headaches the likes of which they've never experienced before. Not so fun times ahead. Happy watching.

  2. 9 hours ago, Sergio said:

    maybe the fact that even these girls do not do auto-eroticism, is much simpler than we think, have sex when they are out

    Most likely scenario. I cant see too many guys volunteering to be instant amateur porn stars, no matter how bad they need to get their leg over. It's happened once or twice, but even with the sex goddesses living here and at Barca 2, it was very rare. As noted when Lima went out during the afternoon last week, knickers on when she left, commando when she came back home.

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  3. 58 minutes ago, sanjuro66 said:

    What the heck is Lima yacking about? LOL

    By the hand gestures (and that's all I've got to go by) maybe her encounters with Daddy Dip & Run. And if he's on his way over I'm cancelling my membership. The constant communication with Lima and ???, could mean someone might be calling in late. Mind you, I've thought that other nights and been wrong.

  4. 1 hour ago, beaver67 said:

    has anyone noticed the way Melissa is giving Lima the eye, and keeps looking at her body ???????

    I've noticed that for about a week now. She looks at Lima a lot different to how she looks at Lara. What she should've done tonight, was maybe play the 'Massage' card a bit earlier on, or Body Paint (God knows Milena bought enough of it to re-paint the whole unit)before Lima got too many sherbets under her skin. Would've been interesting. Might be too late now, Lima is starting to get loud and a bit aggressive.

  5. Lara & Melissa discussing what I assume is what went down last night in Loungeroom. I don't think they're aware that Lima has been up, made some breakfast, and gone back to bed again, so they're assuming she's still out from last night. Man, I wish I recovered from a big sauce night like she does. I'd have a head like a smacked arse, and so seedy that I could grow flowers, but that's just me. I guess it helps to be a 'three glass screamer', you don't drink enough for it to affect your body so much. I'd still like one of the other girls to check that upstairs Closet / Laundry Room for a possible hidden booze stash. It'll explain a lot of Lima behaviours I'm noticing.

  6. 2 hours ago, cacjc said:

    So do we think Lima will be asked to go dancing with the girls again after last night?

    Well if she doesn't, they'll never leave the house. Last night all seemed to come from Lara & Melissa "Ordering off the Menu" to Lima in the morning, about the kind of night out they wanted, then Lima going off to ring and/or text someone (possibly Milena, or a contact of hers) to organise it happening. Until Lima does something about that pseudo-vegan, eat no solids, Iron deficient, zero carb, diet of hers, this no-tolerance of alcohol is always going to be a problem for her.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Nick said:

    I think I was wrong about something will hapen with Melissa nothing hapend now she went sleep :-(

    I still think something might happen with Melissa. I cant guarantee you're going to get to see it however. I'm pretty sure she went on a date the other night with someone who I think Lima may have set her up with. She seemed to enjoy it and tore one off in the candle bath later that night/morning. Lima has been out on one "knickers on the waist when she leaves, in the pocket when she comes home" date herself this week. This might be the Melissa drill too, at least for a while. Also, we're yet to see the full fall-out of what happened last night. Did Lima's drunkenness become violent, or cause them to leave an establishment early, and ruin any ground work the other two may have been making. We await.

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  8. Don't mind that she went out and got drunk. That's sort of what you go out for. She had the other two as "wingmen" to keep an eye on her. It's the staying home and just getting wasted that bugged me the most about her drinking. Hopefully she'll go back to her usual 'pots of pee' and blended green whatever. But I stand by my post earlier on this evening. I think she has a stash of red wine or similar in the closet, and got a bit loaded up before they left. Twenty minutes to look for a bra, then goes out without one.

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  9. They going out? Or is someone coming in. Or both. It's hard to expect too much as far as company coming back to here goes. There cant be that many guys who don't mind fucking on camera. With the couples they're expected to and accept it going in. but if I was a guy looking to get his end in, I'd like a bit more warning than a sign posted on the door when I got there telling me I'm about to become an Amateur Porn Star.

  10. How dopey would it be if all this hot water issue was due to them not having 'bled' the steam build-up out of the hot water system tank, that causes it to not fill right up, therefore runs out quicker. 1 minute job. Find the tank, lift the top lever up, let all the steam spray out, when the discharge is just a small trickle of water, close again. I have to do this to mine every 3 months or so. If the tank isn't in the apartment, then they (or RLC) just need to contact the Super on-site. It's a start anyway, may just fix the problem.  

  11. There's some familiar sounding accents on that video that Melissa is watching in her room. I think it's an old 'Behind The Scenes' documentary about doing a Calendar photoshoot for "Thunder Down Under" (Male Stripper Show that tours regularly here (Australia) and over in the US). She'll be disappointed if she's hoping to see some dick though, it was a 'made for prime time TV' show. And unlike Eastern European male strip shows, we can't take everything off at club shows here, or touch the customers. For that, you have to hire a private party, and not film it.

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